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YCB-Video Augmented Dataset

The goal of this project is to create a file that, given the correct input, is able to:

  • analyse the scene
  • identify objects in the scene
  • roto-translate the point cloud of each object to match their position in the scene
  • compute a superquadric for each new point cloud

The script works with all UNIX-based systems. However, in order to minimize changes by the user, a separate script for macOS was created.


In order to function fully and correctly, YCB-Video Augmented Dataset requires:

  • superquadric-lib - found here
  • python3
  • scipy
  • numpy
  • vtk - found here


The python script works instantly, however, the use of a virtual environment is reccomended. The following commands create a virtual environment with the required dependencies installed.

$ virtualenv $NAME_OF_ENV 
$ source $NAME_OF_ENV/bin/activate
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

How to use

Once all requirements are installed, it is sufficient to run the script using

$ python3

** If used on MacOS, use the file instead.

When the file asks for the path to a folder, it is sufficient to drag & drop on the terminal the YCB-Video folder that contains the scene to be analysed. An example of the input folder can be found at Example_Scenes/0001.

The script will then identify the objects in the scene, find the corresponding point clouds, and roto-translate them to match the input frames. The resulting point cloud will be saved in the same folder under the name $FRAME_NUMBER-$ An example of the output can be found at Example_Scenes/0000.

The script will also calculate an adeguate superquadric for each object in the scene, and save its parameters in the file [frame]-[object]-superquadric.txt under the format [a 1, a 2, a 3, ε 1, ε 2, dx, dy, dz, θ, φ, ψ]

currently not working

Once calculated the parameters for the superquadric, the script will proceed to render the superquadric using vtk and saving it in the appropriate folder.


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