mldonkey-next is a modern implementation of clients for mldonkey. mldonkey-next includes a responsive webapp and a cross-platform app (tested only on Linux and Android). mldonkey-next is in development and will not include all the features of the original webapp.
NOTE: mldonkey-next is an experimental software. Use at your own risk!
Desktop | Mobile |
The webapp can be used in your preferred browser. It requires the installation of a bridge (named backend in the repo). The backend provides a bridge to the mldonkey core and serves the mldonkey-next webapp.
For mroe info:
mldonkey is currently a bit outdated and requires a specific setup to work properly. This is why I typically use it in docker: mldonkey-next is provided as a dev version of that image, so you can install it by using one of the tags of that image. To choose a proper tag for your use case, refer to this table. The image includes the core of mldonkey, the bridge and the webapp.
Using mldonkey-next without docker is not currently simple, but you can do it if you want.
More information on how to install mldonkey-next can be found in the docker repo: The new mldonkey-next gui is available in the container on port 4081. The old webapp is still available on port 4080. You can use both apps, even at the same time.
Desktop | Mobile |
The native app is a Qt app embedding the webapp. The native app does not need the bridge and can connect to a generic mldonkey server. Unfortunately, a generic server is missing some patches that I only applied to my fork, so the docker image is still encouraged.
The native app is cross platform, and may work on all major platforms. However, I only tested on Linux and Android. For Android, an apk is provided for armv7, arm64, x86 and x64. For Linux, an AppImage is provided.
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