Assignment to create an EKS, ECR repository, and deploy a Java web application using a Helm chart onto the newly created EKS cluster via the ECR repository
This assignment as the following Objectives:
Create a web application in Java that handles HTTP requests.
- Set up two routes on port 8080:
- GET /: Should return the current local time for New York, Berlin, and Tokyo, formatted in HTML.
- GET /health: This should return a JSON response with an HTTP status code of 200 to indicate the application's health.
- Set up two routes on port 8080:
Containerize the java application.
Use Terraform to define and create the necessary cloud infrastructure:
- Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
- Subnets, security groups, routing tables, etc
- EKS cluster
- ECR repository for storing the app's container image.
Develop a Helm chart for the java application to facilitate its deployment on the EKS cluster.
Configure the necessary resources to ensure the application can be accessed externally.
A publicly accessible URL to access the world clock app.
For this assignment, you will need:
- Terraform v1.8+ installed locally.
- An AWS account.
- The AWS CLI v2.7.0/v1.24.0 or newer installed.
- kubectl v1.24.0 or newer.
- Docker or Docker Desktop installed.
- Helm v3.0.0 or newer installed.
Git clone the repository and export the assignment directory.
git clone cd eks-ecr-java-app export ASSIGNMENT_HOME=$(echo $(pwd))
Export the AWS Access credentials.
Run terraform script to deploy the new EKS and ECR.
cd $ASSIGNMENT_HOME/terraform # Syntax: ./ <plan, apply or destroy> <dev, tst, qa, ppr, prd> ./ apply dev
NOTE: Terraform is using a S3 bucket as backend to store the state files. For this assignment, a S3 bucket was created with the name
. -
Get the ECR URI value from the AWS Management Console or by running the following command:
aws ecr describe-repositories --repository-names ecr-cs-dev --region eu-west-2 --output json | jq -r '.repositories[0].repositoryUri' # Example output: #
Build and push the docker image to the newly created ECR repository.
cd $ASSIGNMENT_HOME # Syntax: ./ <ECR URI> <DOCKER IMAGE TAG> ./ clock-api-2.0.0
Deploy the World Clock helm chart into the new EKS.
cd $ASSIGNMENT_HOME # Syntax: ./ <ECR URL> <DOCKER IMAGE TAG> <EKS NAME> <EKS REGION> <PATH TO KUBECONFIG FILE> <K8S NAMESPACE TO DEPLOY WORLD CLOCK> <WORLD CLOCK API KEY> <WORLD CLOCK API SECRET> ./ clock-api-2.0.0 eks-cs-dev eu-west-2 ./dev-kubeconfig world-clock-ns admin admin