NOTE: The functionality for this repository has moved to cgrindel/bazel-starlib.
This repository contains Bazel rules and macros that format Bazel Starlark files (e.g. .bzl
, BUILD.bazel
) using
Buildifier, test that the
formatted files exist in the workspace directory, and copy the formatted files to the workspace
The following provides a quick introduction on how to use the rules in this repository. Also, check out the documentation and the examples for more information.
Add the following to your WORKSPACE
file to add this repository and its dependencies.
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
name = "cgrindel_rules_bzlformat",
sha256 = "44b09ad9c5395760065820676ba6e65efec08ae02c1ce7e2d39d42c5b1e7aec8",
strip_prefix = "rules_bzlformat-0.2.1",
urls = [""],
load("@cgrindel_rules_bzlformat//bzlformat:deps.bzl", "bzlformat_rules_dependencies")
load("@bazel_skylib//:workspace.bzl", "bazel_skylib_workspace")
load("@cgrindel_bazel_starlib//:deps.bzl", "bazel_starlib_dependencies")
load("@cgrindel_rules_updatesrc//updatesrc:deps.bzl", "updatesrc_rules_dependencies")
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:deps.bzl", "go_register_toolchains", "go_rules_dependencies")
go_register_toolchains(version = "1.17.2")
load("@bazel_gazelle//:deps.bzl", "gazelle_dependencies")
load("@com_google_protobuf//:protobuf_deps.bzl", "protobuf_deps")
At the root of your workspace, create a BUILD.bazel
file, if you don't have one. Add the
# Ensures that the Starlark files in this package are formatted properly.
name = "bzlformat",
# Provides targets to find, test, and fix any Bazel packages that are missing bzlformat_pkg
# declarations.
# bzlformat_missing_pkgs_find: Find and report any Bazel packages that missing the bzlformat_pkg
# declaration.
# bzlformat_missing_pkgs_test: Like find except it fails if any missing packages are found. This is
# useful to run in CI tests to ensure that all is well.
# bzlformat_missing_pkgs_fix: Adds bzlformat_pkg declarations to any packages that are missing
# the declaration.
name = "bzlformat_missing_pkgs",
# Define a runnable target to execute all of the updatesrc_update targets
# that are defined in your workspace.
name = "update_all",
targets_to_run = [
# Fix the Bazel packages when we update our source files from build outputs.
The bzlformat_pkg
macro defines targets for a
Bazel package that will format the Starlark source files, test that the formatted files are in the
workspace directory and copies the formatted files to the workspace directory.
The bzlformat_missing_pkgs
defines executable targets that find, test, and fix Bazel packages that are missing a
macro defines a runnable target that copies all of the formatted Starlark source files to the
workspace directory. We add a reference to the :bzlformat_missing_pkgs_fix
target to fix the
appropriate Bazel packages when bazel run //:update_all
is executed.
Next, we need to add bzlformat_pkg
declarations to every Bazel package. The quickest way to do so
is to execute bazel run //:bzlformat_missing_pkgs_fix
or bazel run //:update_all
# Update the world including any bzlformat_pkg fixes
$ bazel run //:update_all
From the command-line, you can format the Starlark source files, copy them back to the workspace directory and execute the tests that ensure the formatted soures are in the workspace directory.
# Format the Starlark source files and copy the formatted files back to the workspace directory
$ bazel run //:update_all
# Execute all of your tests including the formatting checks
$ bazel test //...
To ensure that all of your Bazel packages are monitored by rules_bzlformat
, add a call to bazel run //:bzlformat_missing_pkgs_test
to your CI test runs. If any Bazel packages are missing
declarations, this executable target will exit with a non-zero value.
# Add this to your CI test runs.
$ bazel run //:bzlformat_missing_pkgs_test