An inntiative to stresstest TX/Block using one address and sequence
sudo apt-get install expect
sudo apt-get install expect-dev
git clone
cd /SayNoToEmptyBlocks
3. Modify with your fullnodes key-alias
& the account your sending transactions to
(This is your indivdual send TX that will run in SEQ)
nano signmultipl.exp
nano verifysingle.exp
You can see using cat signmultipl.exp
that it stores your key-alias password in plaintext >=\
secretcli q account <-Account-Address->
6. Now we run the loop to sign all the trasnactions, this be fefault does 300 TX, but you can change it by changing the for loop in
./ <sequence-id>
./ <sequence-id>
Go to file signedSendTx.json
and change the formating of the file.
The JSON file looks like this
You need to change it to this format
jq -c '.[]' signedSendTx.json > formatjson.json
10 If all the above steps went good then Your JSON file formatjson.json
should look something like this
./ <sequence-id>
This will run a loop showing an ouput log of running TXs
You may see that at some point in your loop of sending TX's your node will return Unotharized sign
with code:19
That is because your loop is running extremly fast and before the node registers TX1 the next SEQ of TX2 was submiited, breaking the Sequence. I was only able to get upto 50TX in a block.