Designed specifically to acheive perfect lighthouse scores. Adheres to all Accessibility standards (aria, tabbing, contrast, etc.) and is a perfect starting point in terms of SEO (no plugins). Comes with several custom components, a few custom hooks, several utility functions, over 100 useful CSS classes, typed props, and responsive design. Written to be as lightweight as possible without sacrificing utility.
- adheres to aria guidelines
- logical tab order (all interactive elements are focusable)
- offscreen component content will not appear to aria
- proper roles/labels/attributes
- accessible names
- adheres to all trust & safety best practices
- zero plugins
- lighthouse (100 100 100 100)
- Custom Components :
- vanilla css
- three themes
- each theme features 26 carefully chosen colors
- Each theme passes AAA WCAG Contrast Minimums
- all components have both dark/primary variations for each theme
- Built with mobile first in mind - responsive for any orientation
- proper balance of REM units for easy queries
- over 100 reusable CSS classes for core elements like buttons/input
- extensive, carefully crafted CSS reset to handle modern browsers
- four locally downloaded & pre-configured fonts to choose from (!use only 2)
- All components configured with prop-types and attributes to handle aria.
- Tooltip Component
- close on click outside
- 4 base configurations (left/right/bottom/top)
- dynamic positioning (left & right bounds)
- easy configuration (wrap element & provide title)
- Toast Component (popups/alerts)
- close on click outside
- pass callback
- timeout
- tiny - less than 800 bytes gzipped
- Select Component (custom)
- close on click outside
- dynamic positioning (opens on top or bottom depending on space)
- Tag Component
- Checkbox Component
- Sidebar
- Header
- Link
- Button
- Four variations
- Input
- Four variations
- 9 date/time methods
- copy to clipboard method
- form validation
- generate uuid
- handle user preferences (light/dark mode) / locale
- handle popup bounds (adjust popup location based on window)
- enable location
- useDebounce
- useIsFirstRender
- useLocal
- useClickOutside