This is a completely Java based Task Manager and Remainder System with Java Database Connectivity and also have implementations of file-handling.
1. Fork or directly clone this repository into your destination folder.
2. Go to Pack3 folder and open the code that is present in the file.
- Replace the FILE_PATH with your actual file path of your tasks.txt by simply choosing copy as path.
- Change the " \ " in the path URL with " / "
private static final String FILE_PATH = "path/to/Text_File_Handling/tasks.txt";
- Replace MySQL username and password with your own username and password
try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/java", "username", "password"))
- Save and close the file.
3. Open MySQL Workbench and run the following queries one by one in new query tab.
- Creating a database named java
create database java;
- Using database
use java;
- Create table named tasks
CREATE TABLE tasks(taskId int auto_increment primary key , name varchar(25), due_date date,due_time time, category varchar(25),priority int,completed boolean);
- View table
select * from tasks;
- Delete data from table (if needed, optional)
truncate table tasks;
4. Open command prompt and set to your current directory as the project directory by using command " cd " in the command prompt.
- Run the following commands one by one in the terminal (command prompt)
javac Pack1/
javac -cp . Pack2/
javac -cp .;lib/mysql-connector-j-8.2.0 Pack3/
java -cp .;lib/mysql-connector-j-8.2.0.jar Pack3/TaskRemainder
- Now you will be able to see the menu panel of the project.
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