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Ansible Role: PHP 7 (PHP-FPM)

Build Status Release Star Fork License Ansible Galaxy Docker Hub

An Ansible role of Deploy PHP 7 (php-fpm) for Nginx. (forked from itcraftsmanpl.php7)

  • Current PHP7 version:

    • Debian & Ubuntu: 7.1.30
    • CentOS: 7.1.30
  • Support Linux distributions:

    1. Ubuntu 18.04 (bionic)
    2. Ubuntu 16.04 (xenial)
    3. Debian 8 (jessie)
    4. Debian 9 (stretch)
    5. CentOS 6
    6. CentOS 7



Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml):

# All #

# just for debug.
debug_mode: false

# allow_url_fopen
#   Default Value: On
php_allow_url_fopen: "Off"

php_disable_functions: "exec,passthru,shell_exec,system,proc_open,popen"
php_display_errors: "Off"
php_error_reporting: "E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT"

# disable exposing php version.
#   Default Value: On
php_expose_php: 'Off'

php_memory_limit: "1024M"
php_opcache_enable: 1
php_opcache_revalidate_freq: 0
php_post_max_size: "20M"
php_serialize_precision: 17
php_session_cookie_httponly: 1
php_session_use_strict_mode: 1
php_soap_wsdl_cache_dir: '/php/cache/wsdl'
php_timezone: "Asia/Taipei"
php_upload_max_filesize: "20M"
php_upload_tmp_dir: "/php/cache/upload_tmp"

# Note: we need use 'www-data' on Debian 8.
php_owner: 'www-data'
php_group: 'www-data'

# Debian & Ubuntu #

debian_php7_apt_repo: ""
debian_php7_apt_key: ""
ubuntu_php7_ppa_repo: "ppa:ondrej/php"

# A switch for enable or disable the third-party repository.
#  true: use the official repository.
#  false: use the third-party repository.
apt_php_third_party_repo: true

apt_php_version: "7.1"

  - php{{ apt_php_version }}
  - php{{ apt_php_version }}-cgi
  - php{{ apt_php_version }}-cli
  - php{{ apt_php_version }}-common
  - php{{ apt_php_version }}-curl
  - php{{ apt_php_version }}-fpm
  - php{{ apt_php_version }}-gd
  - php{{ apt_php_version }}-intl
  - php{{ apt_php_version }}-json
  - php{{ apt_php_version }}-mysql
  #- php{{ apt_php_version }}-pear

# CentOS #

yum_php_version: "71u"

  - php{{ yum_php_version }}-cli
  - php{{ yum_php_version }}-common
  - php{{ yum_php_version }}-fpm
  - php{{ yum_php_version }}-fpm-nginx
  - php{{ yum_php_version }}-json
  - php{{ yum_php_version }}-mysqlnd
  - php{{ yum_php_version }}-opcache
  - php{{ yum_php_version }}-pdo
 #- php{{ yum_php_version }}-mbstring
 #- php{{ yum_php_version }}-pear

centos_php_fastcgi_listen: "/run/php-fpm/www.sock"
centos_nginx_fastcgi_server: "unix:{{ centos_php_fastcgi_listen }}"


  1. If you see some error message, maybe you need modify php_owner and php_group from nginx to www-data.

    • Browser:

      An error occurred.

    • error.log:

      connect() to unix:/var/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock failed (13: Permission denied) while connecting to upstream ...

  2. The /target/path/ of socket, configure files is difference on Ubuntu and CentOS. Be careful your Nginx setting !

    • Debian & Ubuntu:

      • Configure:
        • /etc/php/7.0/fpm/php.ini
        • /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ini
      • Socket: /var/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock
    • CentOS:

      • Configure:
        • /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf
        • /etc/php.ini
      • Socket: /run/php-fpm/www.sock
  3. We add apt_php_third_party_repo variable for enable or disable the third-party repository (after v1.3.6).

    • true: use the third-party repository.
    • false: use the debian / ubuntu official repository.



If you need to setup nginx, you can use the williamyeh.nginx role.

Example Playbook

- hosts: webservers
    - { role: chusiang.php7 }

Docker Containers

This repository contains Dockerized Ansible, published to the public Docker Hub via automated build mechanism.

Docker Hub: chusiang/php7


  • chusiang/php7:ubuntu-16.04 (lastest)
  • chusiang/php7:ubuntu-14.04
  • chusiang/php7:centos6 (EOL)


$ docker run -it -v /src:/data chusiang/php7:ubuntu14.04 bash
[root@a68e807eec8f tmp]# php -v
PHP 7.0.7 (cli) (built: May 31 2016 11:36:12) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2016 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.0.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2016 Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v7.0.6-dev, Copyright (c) 1999-2016, by Zend Technologies


  • 2019/05/04 Stop support the Ubuntu 14.04. #24


MIT License (2015 - 2018). See the LICENSE file for details.

Author Information

  1. itcraftsmanpl (Arkadiusz Kondas)
  2. chusiang (Chu-Siang Lai)