Implicit Session Contexts for Next-Item Recommendations
Sejoon Oh, Ankur Bhardwaj, Jongseok Han, Sungchul Kim, Ryan A. Rossi, and Srijan Kumar
ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) short paper, 2022
ISCON is a novel session-based recommendation framework that contextualize sessions and utilizes the contextual embeddings for the next-item prediction.
Datasets used for in the paper are available at the following link.
The detailed execution procedure of ISCON is given as follows.
- Install all required libraries by "pip install -r requirements.txt" (Python 3.6 or higher version is required).
- "python src/ [arguments]" will execute ISCON with arguments, and specific information of the arguments are as follows.
--data_name: name of the input data (e.g., reddit). The corresponding data should be in the data directory with the file name "[data_name].tsv".
--epochs: number of epochs for training (default: 200)
--gpu: GPU number will be used for experiments (default: 0)
--output: name of the output log file (e.g., reddit_output)
--contexts: number of session contexts (default: 40)
--batch_size: mini-batch size for training (default: 1024)
--train_ratio: training/test split ratio (default: 0.9)
--session_emb_dim and --emb_dim: session embedding dimension (default: 128) and user&item embedding dimension (default: 256)
--context_dim: contextual embedding dimension (default: 32)
--topk: number of predicted contexts per session (default: 3)
To run the demo, please follow the following procedure. ISCON demo will be executed on the Reddit dataset.
1. Check permissions of files (if not, use the command "chmod 777 *")
2. Execute "./"
3. Check "output/reddit_demo" for the demo result of ISCON on the Reddit dataset
We tested our proposed method ISCON in NVIDIA DGXStation machines equipped with 8 NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs.