The NuShop is a solution for a customer to use their balance to make quick purchases of special offers. Transaction is faster than PIX and traditional debit card. Application also shows purchase history.
Routing and navigation for Expo and React Native apps.
- Apollo Client
- TypeScript
- Jest
- Testing library for React Native
To run the project you need to follow the installation process below if you don't have the React Native environment.
Get Started
npm install -g expo-cli
yarn global add expo-cli
You can get more details about installation here.(
- Node.js LTS release
- Git
- Watchman for macOS users
expo install
expo start
When you run expo start (or npm start), Expo CLI starts Metro Bundler, which is an HTTP server that compiles the JavaScript code of our app using Babel and serves it to the Expo app. It also pops up Expo Dev Tools, a graphical interface for Expo CLI.
- 🍎 On your iPhone or iPad, open the default Apple "Camera" app and scan the QR code you see in the terminal or in Expo Dev Tools.
- 🤖 On your Android device, press "Scan QR Code" on the "Projects" tab of the Expo Go app and scan the QR code you see in the terminal or in Expo Dev Tools.
The installation step-by-step information is taken from the official documentation.
- Added purchase confirmation modal.
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Enjoy this solution that was made with great care.