⚡ Java framework for C-Lightning to work with the RPC interface, and also the library simplifies the work to develop custom plugins with Java, Kotlin, and all the languages that supports the Java dependencies ⚡
- Introduction
- How to Use
- Example
- Support
- License
This is a wrapper for c-lightning rpc, this project is inspired by this pull request by @renepickhardt.
The wrapper aims to be versatile, the final version should allow the user to execute commands even of custom plugins, allowing them to write the code for the command.
implementation 'io.github.clightning4j:jrpclightning:0.2.1'
libraryDependencies += "io.github.clightning4j" % "jrpclightning" % "0.2.1"
Each master version has a SNAPSHOT version that is the official version x.x.x + 1
, so for example for the version v0.1.9
the version on if exist a new version of the master branch is v0.1.10-SNAPSHOT
, or some release candidate version, like v0.1.10-rc1
, will be
Describe a static rule at the moment it is difficult for the snapshot release, for this reason, feel free to open a question on the Github discussion if you have any doubt
An example of gradle configuration is reported below
Gradle (Kotlin DSL)
configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy.cacheDynamicVersionsFor(0, "seconds")
resolutionStrategy.cacheChangingModulesFor(0, "seconds")
repositories {
... other suff
dependencies {
... other stuff
At the moment the library doesn't support all command available on c-lightning, a list of commands is described inside the javadoc
You can use the RPC wrapper to call the method getinfo, that returns the json wrapper, called CLightningGetInfo.
CLightningGetInfo infoNode = CLightningRPC.getInstance().getInfo(); String id = infoNode.getId(); String color = infoNode.getColor(); System.out.println("id=" + id); System.out.println("color=" + color);
You can create a personal wrapper to support new commands (i.e: personal plugins or command not supported yet by the library)
Create the command wrapper
public class PersonalDelPayRPCCommand extends AbstractRPCCommand<CLightningListPays> { private static final String COMMAND_NAME = "delpay"; public PersonalDelPayRPCCommand() { super(COMMAND_NAME); } @Override protected Type toTypeFromClass() { return new TypeToken<RPCResponseWrapper<CLightningListPays>>(){}.getType(); } }
Create the personal Json wrapper
- In these cases it is used a library wrapper, you can see all wrappers available in the library here
Register the command and run it
PersonalRPCCommand paysCommand = new PersonalRPCCommand(); CLightningRPC.registerCommand(CustomCommand.DELPAY, paysCommand); CLightningListPay result = CLightningRPC.runRegisterCommand(CustomCommand.DELPAY, payload);
Complete javadoc here.
For the configuration of unix socket you can create a file called clightning-rpc.properties inside the classpath in your application.
The example file config is here.
## The CLightning rpc wrapper configurator
The library supports plugins from version 0.1.8, and the library contains a collections of Annotation to make the developing phase easy.
name = "annotation_hello",
description = "Annotation plugin"
public void hello(CLightningPlugin plugin, CLightningJsonObject request, CLightningJsonObject response) {
log(PluginLog.WARNING, request.toString());
response.add("type", "random");
@Subscription(notification = "invoice_creation")
public void doInvoiceCreation(CLightningJsonObject data){
log(PluginLog.WARNING, "Notification invoice_creation received inside the plugin lightning rest");
CLightningLogger.getInstance().debug( this.getClass(), "Data received by notification are \n" + data.toString());
@Hook(hook = "rpc_command")
public void logAllRPCCommand(CLightningPlugin plugin, CLightningJsonObject request, CLightningJsonObject response) {
log(PluginLog.WARNING, request.toString());
response.add("result", "continue");
class Plugin : CLightningPlugin() {
name = "hello-kotlin",
description = "This propriety is a fake propriety, there is any problem if it is not exist in the command line",
defValue = "true",
typeValue = "flag"
private var sayHello = false
A complete example of a plugin wrote with kotlin is available at the following link or a java version it is available at the following link.
Start to write a plugin with the following templates
If you like the library and want to support it, please considerer to donate with the following systems
- 3BQ8qbn8hLdmBKEjt1Hj1Z6SiDsnjJurfU
- liberapay.com/vincenzopalazzo
- Github support
- buymeacoffee
P.S: Lightning donation is coming ;-)
C-lightning RPC wrapper, with the complete support to Plugins and custom settings.
Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Vincenzo Palazzo vincenzopalazzodev@gmail.com
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.