Workforce focus in cities is production at the start of the game -
Changing the workforce focus actually changes it -
Changing workforce focus to food actually makes food -
Gathering food increases city size -
Cities cannot exceed a size of nine
Gathering food does not make units
There is no winner at the beginning of the game -
If red conquers blue city at round 1, then red wins the game -
If red conquers blue city at round 20, then red wins the game -
If red conquers blue city at round 21, then red does not win the game -
If a player wins 3 attacks after round 20, that player wins the game -
If a player wins 3 attacks before round 20, then there is no winner set
Base attack of archer is 2 -
Base attack of legion is 4 -
Base attack of settler is 0 -
Combined attack strength of a unit in a city is tripled -
Combined attack strength of a unit on a hill is doubled -
Base defence of archer is 3 -
Base defence of legion is 2 -
Base defence of settler is 3 -
Combined defence of unit on a hill is doubled -
Combined defence of a unit in a city is tripled -
If the die roll is the same for attacker and defender, then the attacker wins if atkStrength > defStrength, if not he loses -
If a player wins 3 attacks, then that player wins the game -
Winning 3 battles does not win the game
Blue city at (4,5) -
Red city at (8,12) -
Mountain at (0,5) -
Hills at (1,4) -
Ocean at (8,6) -
Mountain at (7, 13) -
Forest at (9, 11) -
Plains at (5,1) -
Ocean at (0,0) -
Ocean at (15,15) -
Hills at (4,8) -
Forest at (8,13) -
There are 9 mountains -
There are 10 hills -
There are 12 forests
Settler at (4,3) builds city => no unit at (4,3), but red city -
Settler at (4,3), moves right, builds city => no unit at (4,4), but red city -
Unit action at (0,0) does nothing -
Unit action at archer (2,2) does not produce a city -
Blue changes production to settler, waits 5 rounds, moves settler to (5,1), builds city => blue city at (5,1) -
Archer at (2,0) has 3 defensive strength -
Archer at (2,0), uses fortify, has 6 defensive strength -
Archer at (2,0), uses fortify, uses fortify, has 3 defensive strength
After 0 rounds, age is -4000 -
After 40 rounds, age is -1 -
After 41 rounds, age is +1 -
After 42 rounds, age is +50 -
After 43 rounds, age is +100 -
After 77 rounds, age is +1775 -
After 83 rounds, age is +1905 -
After 97 rounds, age is +1971 -
No winner at beginning of the game -
Red archer moves (2,0) => (3,0) => (4,1) => red city at (4,1) -
Blue legion moves (3,2) => (2,1) => (1,1) => blue city at (1,1) -
Red archer moves (2,0) => (3,0) => (4,1) => red is winner -
Blue legion moves (3,2) => (2,1) => (1,1) => blue is winner -
Settlers cannot conquer cities
Waiting does not cause a winner
- Test system has been set up
- Basic environment set up
Red is the first player in turn -
Red's city is at (1,1) -
Blue's city is at (4,1) -
there is ocean at (1,0) -
There is a Mountain at (2,2) -
There is a Hill at (0,1) -
the starting year is 4000 BC -
one round => year 3900 BC -
two rounds => year 3800 BC -
three rounds => year 3700 BC -
Red wins in year 3000 BC -
Plains everywhere except (1,1), (4,1), (1,0), (2,2) -
cities' population size is always 1 -
red production of city is 0 'production' at the beginning of the game -
red city produce 6 'production' after a round has ended -
Cities produce archers at the beginning of the game -
Changing production in red city to Settler, does change production type -
If red city production type is Archer, and we run two rounds, the difference should be 2 -
If red city production type is Archer, and we run four rounds, the difference should be 4 -
If red city production type is Settler, and we run four rounds, the difference should be 24 -
If blue city production type is Settler, and red city production type is Archer, then the difference should be 4 for red city -
If red city production type is Settler, and blue city production type is Archer, then the difference should be 4 for blue city -
Two rounds Red producing 1 archer => 1 archer at (1,1) -
Changing red production to Settler => Red produces settler at (1,1) after 5 turns -
After 6 rounds Red producing 3 archer, and changes to Settler => archers at (1,1), (0,2) and (1,2) -
If red production is Legion, then after 3 rounds Red produces 1 Legion at (1,1) -
Red producing 6 archer => archers at (1,1), (0,1), (0,2), (1,2), (2,1), (2,0) -
Red producing 5 legions => legions at (1,1), (0,1), (0,2), (1,2), (2,1) -
Red producing 5 settler => settler at (1,1), (0,1), (0,2), (1,2), (2,1) -
Blue produce 1 archer at (4,1) after 2 turns -
Blue producing 6 archer => blue archer at (4,1), (3,2), (4,2), (5,2), (5,1), (5,0) and (4,0) -
Red has an archer at (2,0) -
Blue has a Legion at (3,2) -
Blue has a Settler at (4,3) -
Red can move initial archer one down -
Red cannot move nonexisting unit -
Red attempting to move archer actually moves the archer (and deletes old unit) -
Red cannot move Blue's units -
Red cannot move its own units when it is Blue's turn -
cannot move unit unto another unit -
units cannot move over mountain -
units cannot move over ocean -
units cannot move unto each other -
the attacker of a battle always wins
After 40 rounds age is 0 -
Winner is null at beginning