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Some small utilities I use in my Squeak image

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This repository contains a few utilities I use in my Squeak image.

Miscellaneous Stuff

Temporary Subclasses

Sometimes I want to create a subclass on the fly, without worrying about class name and category. For example, imagine wanting a stepping Morph that flashes red and green. You can use the Object >> #tmpSubclass: message to create a new temporary subclass that overwrites the specified methods. This will create a new subclass in the TmpClasses category with a unique name and becomeForward the instance it is called on. Temporary subclasses are cleaned up on shutdown if no more instances of them are remaining.

c := CircleMorph new.
c tmpSubclass: {
	#stepTime -> [500].
	#step -> [
		self color = Color green
			ifTrue: [self color: Color red]
			ifFalse: [self color: Color green]]}.
c startStepping.
c openInHand

Comparative Benchmarking

Sometimes you want to compare the execution speed of two or more blocks. While you could simply send bench to all blocks you're interested in, this package provides simpler alternatives for comparing up to four blocks: BlockClosure >> #vs:, BlockClosure >> #vs:vs:, BlockClosure >> #vs:vs:vs:. Example:

[10 factorial] vs: [20 factorial]
 '6,100,000 per second. 164 nanoseconds per run.
vs. 1,160,000 per second. 863 nanoseconds per run.'

Original idea by @tom95.

Battery Indicator Morph and OpenMensa Morph

Both can be installed via:

Metacello new
	baseline: 'Cmfcmf';
	repository: 'github://cmfcmf/SqueakUtils:master';

Battery Indicator

You can create your very own battery indicator morph using CMFBatteryMorph new openInHand. The morph updates every two minutes.

OpenMensa Morph

I provide a custom morph that displays the daily meals from To open it, execute CMFMensaInfo open.

Windows FFI Utils

I provide methods for creating processes and pipes using FFI under Windows. To install just them, use:

Metacello new
	baseline: 'Cmfcmf';
	repository: 'github://cmfcmf/SqueakUtils:master';
	load: #('winffi').

Toolbuilder Extensions (broken in Squeak 5.3+)

I provide a customized PluggableMultiColumnListMorph and spec. In contrast to the default implementation, it has gained the following enhancements:

  • the list is filterable
  • the items are indexed by row, not by column

To install just them, use:

Metacello new
	baseline: 'Cmfcmf';
	repository: 'github://cmfcmf/SqueakUtils:master';
	load: #('toolbuilder').


Some small utilities I use in my Squeak image







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