The growing string method (GSM) is a reaction path and transition state finding method developed in c++. GSM can be interfaced with packages ZStruct2 and Metal-Ligand Binding.
For more information, check out the wiki page:
Example calculations can be found in the src/GSM/TEST folder. Example calculations can be enabled by modifying the src/GSM/TEST/CMakeLists.txt file.
A discussion can be found:
This code can be built using CMake. To do so:
- Load/install CMake
- Load Intel compilers (if not loaded)
- Clone this repository and checkout tribits branch
$ git clone
$ cd molecularGSM
$ git checkout tribits
- Clone TriBITS repository
$ git clone
- Create a BUILD directory at the same level as GSM
$ mkdir BUILD
$ cd BUILD
- Configure using CMake
$ cmake -D GSM_ENABLE_QCHEM=1 ../
- other options:
- If no option is specified, the code will use MOPAC as its energy calculator. Check mopac.cpp to make sure charge/multiplicity is correct, since that is hard-coded.
- After successful configuration. To compile:
$make -j8
- An executable named "gsm.${CALCULATOR}.exe" will be created in BUILD/GSM directory, where ${CALCULATOR} is the name of the QM package.
To run gsm, copy the executable to the working directory (where the input files are) or reference it using the full path.
There are five test examples: alanine dipeptide isomerization, ammonia borane reactions, diels alder reaction, ethylene rotation, and methanol formaldehyde reaction. After building the executable you can use type $ ctest to run the tests. When each test is complete, the output will be compared with the standard output in each test directory. If the difference in coordinates of a each atom is more than 0.001, the test will fail. (THIS NEEDS FIXING).