To install dependencies -
pipenv install
pipenv shell
On Linux System, to run a program -
Windows -
python {PROGRAM_NAME}.py
- Program(s) written for Practice
- Corona Latest State wise Data, scrapped website:
- Module(s) Used:
- Corona Tracker in Python using API:
- Module(s) Used:
- Other Program(s)
- First Program to print 'Hello World!' & Print an Entered Name.
- Program to Add two Entered Number(s).
- Program to Subtract two Entered Number(s).
- Program to Multiply two Entered Number(s).
- Program to Divide two Entered Number(s).
- Program to check if Entered Number is Even or Odd.
- Program to Calculate Factorial of an Entered Number.
- Program to Display Greater Number among two Entered Number(s).
- Program to Display Greater Number among three Entered Number(s).
- Program to Calculate Power of a Number.
- Program to Reverse an Entered Number.
- Program to Check if Entered Number is Palindrome or not.
- Program to Get Average of Entered Number(s).
- Program to Show Table of Entered Number.
- Program to Check if Entered Number is Prime or not.
- Program to Check Whether or not Entered Number is Armstrong.
- Program to Display Sum of its Digit(s).
- Program to Swap Two Entered Variables.
- Program to Convert Decimal to Binary Number.
- Program to Show all the Factor(s) of an Entered Number.
- Program to enter and display some info.
- A Simple Calculator Program.
- Performs Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division & Modulus.
- A Program to check whether an Entered Number is Gapful or not.
- A little advanced Calculator Program.
- Performs Mathematical Operations on Entered Equation.
- Module(s) Used:
- A program which generates a Random Number between 0 and 20.
- A user has to guess within 3 attempts.
- Module(s) Used:
- A user driven program to generate Random Password.
- Generates using letters, number(s), and special character(s).
- Module(s) Used:
- Rock Paper Scissor Game.
- Module(s) Used:
- Word Guessing Game.
- Module(s) Used:
- Python Program to remove the space from the names file(s) and folder(s) in current directory.
- Module(s) Used:
- Python Program to get Sum of n umber(s) of element(s) and their Average.