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Geospatial Docker for rgee, building on rocker/geospatial.

This image is a modification of rocker/geospatial with support to Python 3.7 and Selenium drivers. As such, this image includes RStudio and tidyverse packages. Versions older than the most recent will install R packages from an MRAN snapshot, and may not provide all the same packages as seen on the most recent versions.

Installation and execution

  • Install docker
  • In terminal execute, as follow:
docker run -d -p 8787:8787 -e USER=rgee -e PASSWORD=rgee --name rgee-dev csaybar/rgee
  • After that, in your preferred browser, run:

Packages - R

Package Maintainer Description
stars Pebesma Spatiotemporal Arrays, Raster and Vector Data Cubes
rgdal Bivand Interface to GDAL, I/O formats. See sf for more recent implementation
sf Pebesma Simple-features oriented replacement for sp, rgdal, rgeos, and proj4 libraries, includes dplyr-style
leaflet jcheng5 R Interface to Leaflet Maps
maview Salabim Interactive viewing of spatial data in R
geojsonio Chamberlain Convert many data formats to & from GeoJSON & TopoJSON
getPass Schmidt Password function for R with masking (where supported)
crayon gaborcsardi R package for colored terminal output
cli Csárdi Tools for making beautiful & useful command line interfaces
googledrive jennybc Google Drive R API
googleCloudStorageR Edmondson An R interface to the Google Cloud Compute API, for launching virtual machines
geojsonlint Chamberlain GeoJSON linting for R
lwgeom Pebesma Bindings to the liblwgeom library
raster Hijmans Reading, writing, manipulating, analyzing and modeling of gridded spatial data.
gstat Pebesma Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Geostatistical Modelling, Prediction and Simulation
classInt Bivand Selected commonly used methods for choosing univariate class intervals for mapping or
rgeos Bivand Interface to GEOS (geometry operations). See sf for more recent implementation methods.
spacetime Pebesma Classes and Methods for Spatio-Temporal Data
spatstat Baddeley Large spatial statistics package: Spatial Point Pattern Analysis, Model-Fitting,
spdep Bivand Spatial Dependence: Weighting Schemes, Statistics and Models
tmap Tennekes Thematic, layer-based maps (sf and sp compatible)
geosphere Hijmans Spherical trigonometry for geographic applications. That is, compute distances and related measures for angular (longitude/latitude) locations.
hdf5r Hoefling Modern bindings to HF5 C API (replaces hf package)
RNetCDF Woods Bindings to C API NetCDF library, with udunits other graphics purposes.
cptcity Ibarra 7140 colour palletes in an R package to play
rnaturalearth AndySouth an R package to hold and facilitate interaction with natural earth map data earth_africa
gganimate thomasp85 A Grammar of Animated Graphics

Packages - Python

Package Maintainer Description
earth-engine Google Python bindings for calling the Earth Engine API.
selenium SeleniumHQ Python language bindings for Selenium WebDriver.
bs4 Richardson Python package for parsing HTML and XML documents
requests_toolbelt Cordasco A toolbelt of useful classes and functions to be used with python-requests


Geospatial Docker for rgee, building on rocker/geospatial.







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