- Year: 2020
- Language(s): Python
- Discipline(s): Computer Vision, Edge Detection
- Keywords: canny-edge-detection, computer-vision, derivative-masks, gaussian-smoothing, edge, edge-detection, hysteresis-thresholding, non-maximum-suppression
Canny Edge Detector is an implementation of the edge detection method defined by John Canny in 1986. This is done by performing the following computational steps:
- Perform Gaussian smoothing on the image.
- Compute the gradient magnitude and orientation using derivative masks.
- Perform non-maximum suppression.
- Perform hysteresis thresholding.
The input of this program is the file path to an image of your choice.
- Clone the repository.
- Open the directory with Terminal.
- Run the program with the following instruction:
python run.py <path_to_image>