Copy sources, add header file to your project
#include "bq27441.h"
The library does not depend on the i2c implementation, you need to implement this yourself and register read/write callbacks before initializing bq27441 chip
You can use any microcontrollers or even Linux user-space to read data from this sensor, it's all up to you
For example, use STM32 and HAL device library
i2c read/write
static int16_t BQ27441_i2cWriteBytes(uint8_t DevAddress, uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t * src, uint8_t count)
if (HAL_I2C_Mem_Write(&hi2c1, (uint16_t)(DevAddress << 1), subAddress, 1, src, count, 50) == HAL_OK)
return true;
return false;
static int16_t BQ27441_i2cReadBytes(uint8_t DevAddress, uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t * dest, uint8_t count)
if (HAL_I2C_Mem_Read(&hi2c1, (uint16_t)(DevAddress << 1), subAddress, 1, dest, count, 50) == HAL_OK)
return true;
return false;
Somewhere in your services init function or hardware perif init
BQ27441_ctx_t BQ27441 = {
.BQ27441_i2c_address = BQ72441_I2C_ADDRESS, // i2c device address, if you have another address change this
.read_reg = BQ27441_i2cReadBytes, // i2c read callback
.write_reg = BQ27441_i2cWriteBytes, // i2c write callback
* Your other code
* */
After init chip and register read/write functions, you can read the battery readings, all function descriptions are in source files
For example read voltage, power, current, capacity
* Reads and returns the battery voltage
* @return battery voltage in mV
* */
uint16_t BQ27441_voltage (void);
* Reads and returns the specified current measurement
* @param current_measure enum specifying current value to be read
* @return specified current measurement in mA. >0 indicates charging.
* */
int16_t BQ27441_current (current_measure type);
* Reads and returns the specified capacity measurement
* @param capacity_measure enum specifying capacity value to be read
* @return specified capacity measurement in mAh.
* */
uint16_t BQ27441_capacity (capacity_measure type);
* Reads and returns measured average power
* @return average power in mAh. >0 indicates charging.
* */
int16_t BQ27441_power (void);
- Texas Instruments BQ27441 product page.
- BQ27441 Datasheet.
- BQ27441 User's Guide.
- BQ27441 Technical Reference.