*see st7735s_settings.h list of supported displays
-0.96" IPS mini 160x80
-1.44" display 128x128
-WaveShare ST7735S-based 1.8" display 160x128
-AliExpress/eBay 1.8" display 160x128
Library has support:
- rotation display, 0, 90, 180, 270
- Picture scroll
- Scroll area
To generate fonts, you can use a cross-platform(Win, Linux) program LCD-Image-Converter
MacOS patched version LCD-Image-Converter MacOS
Web pages
Add include
#include "st7735s.h"
First step, need init struct LCD_ST7735_ctx_t and register callback SPI write function and GPIO
LCD_ST7735_ctx_t LCD_ST7735 = {
.spi_write_data = SPI_Transmit, // register callback for write data to SPI
.gpio_write_pin = GPIO_Write, // register callback for write GPIO pin
.reset.gpio_port = (uint32_t) SPI_RST_GPIO_PORT, // reset pin GPIO port
.reset.gpio_pin = SPI_RST_PIN, // reset pin GPIO
.data.gpio_port = (uint32_t) SPI_DC_GPIO_PORT, // data pin GPIO port
.data.gpio_pin = SPI_DC_PIN, // data pin GPIO
.cs.gpio_port = (uint32_t) SPI1_CS_GPIO_PORT, // chip select pin GPIO port
.cs.gpio_pin = SPI1_CS_PIN, // chip select pin GPIO
.backlight.gpio_port = (uint32_t) LCD_BLK_GPIO_PORT, // backlight pin GPIO port
.backlight.gpio_pin = LCD_BLK_PIN, // backlight pin GPIO
example function for write data to SPI and GPIO (STM32 HAL library)
You can use any microcontrollers or even Linux user-space, it's all up to you
uint8_t SPI_Transmit(uint8_t *pData, uint16_t Size)
if (HAL_SPI_Transmit(&hspi1, pData, Size,0) == HAL_OK)
return true;
return false;
void GPIO_Write(uint32_t port, uint32_t pin, uint8_t state)
HAL_GPIO_WritePin( (GPIO_TypeDef*)port, pin, state);
Call LCD_ST7735S_Init() finction and init display
LCD_ST7735_DrawString("Hello world", 0, 0, &Font_8x10, ST7735_WHITE);
Important note Since a buffer is used to send data to the display, you need to call the function whenever you want to update information on the display.