SpeechRecognition: library for performing speech recognition
pip install speechRecognition
pyttsx3: text-to-speech conversion library in Python
pip install pyttsx3
pywhatkit: library with various helpful features (see docs)
pip install pywhatkit
wikipedia: library that makes it easy to access and parse data from Wikipedia
pip install wikipedia
pyjokes: one line jokes for programmers (jokes as a service)
pip install pyjokes
pyaudio: python bindings for PortAudio
pip install pyaudio
portaudio: cross-platform audio input/output stream library
pip install portaudio
Remember that there is a difference in pip commands
You may need to install flac
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
apt-get install flac
You may need to install pywin
pip install pipwin
pipwin install pyaudio
You may need to install flac
brew install flac
If you encounter any issues or error messages, feel free to put in an issue ticket, or contact me directly
This is meant to be more of a sample that you can build off of, honestly the sky is the limit. If you have any cool ideas, fork then share, or submit a change request. I welcome constructive critisism and suggestions, and collaborations!!