Transfer COCO data set annotations to Darknet YOLO annotations format. Hence, Dark(net) Chocolate(COCO)!
- Open the command line
- Type in:
python --input-path ../my/file/path/here
When you run the command line util, it will output the JSON for each so you can validate class IDs, as well the math for any changes/updates in Darknet or COCO, etc.
# make sure the two image IDs match
# make sure the class ID matches the index position in *.names file for COCO that Darknet looks at for obj detection (Keep in mind Darknet is 0 indexed)
# full width and height of the entire bounding box
# bounding box coords where, in this case, x is 89px from left and y is 77px down the image
# the width and height of the entire image
# must match image name
# The 'darkchocolate' key contains the values that will be output in *.txt file in darknet format
This represents the output, in the order that you will see in *.txt files from the JSON object generated above:
(class id) ((x + bbox_width / 2) / img_width), ((y + bbox_height / 2) / img_height), (bbox_width / img_width), (bbox_height / img_height)
Yolov3/Darknet; Current version of COCO and Linux are only supported at this time.