SUBLEQ (SUbtract and Branch if Less than or EQual to zero) is a type of OISC (One Instruction Set Computer) / URISC (Ultimate Reduced Instruction Set Computer) architecture. It has only one instruction of the form:
This is equivalent to the following pseudocode:
mem[B] = mem[B] - mem[A]
if mem[B] <= 0 then goto C
Compound instructions, such as addition, can be formed from sequences of these simple SUBLEQ instructions. For examples of these, see the source files - most compound instructions include a comment about their function. Indirect addressing (pointers) can be emulated through self-modifying code, where operations are performed on the instructions themselves. See (1,2,3,4,6) for further information.
This project consists of four main parts:
- a CPU capable of executing SUBLEQ instructions
- libraries for programs written in SUBLEQ assembly, and a demo program to demonstrate these
- a minimal SUBLEQ interpreter (with I/O) written in C
- JSubleq: a SUBLEQ interpreter written in JavaScript
Schematics for a SUBLEQ-based CPU are provided.
A recent version of Logisim is required to simulate the CPU. Simulation instructions are provided below.
There are three main buses in the CPU:
- A bus: contains the address of the current memory location
- B bus: contains the output of the ALU
- D bus: contains the data read from memory
The CPU has six control signals:
- MAR: the Memory Address Register should be updated with the value of the D bus at the end of this cycle
- PC: the Program Counter should be updated at the end of this cycle
- JMP: the PC should be loaded with the value of the D bus at the end of this cycle if the LEQ flag has been set by the ALU, otherwise PC is just incremented if either JMP or LEQ are false
- RD: the value of MAR should be loaded onto the A bus, otherwise it is loaded with the value of PC if RD is false
- WR: the value of the B bus should be stored to memory at the end of this cycle, and the value of the LEQ flag should be updated
- A: signals that the "A" operand is currently on the D bus, so the A register should be updated at the end of this cycle
These signals are controlled by a 5-microinstruction microprogram which runs in a continous loop. The signals enabled by each of these microinstructions are:
- MAR, PC: load
(address of A operand) into MAR, increment PC - RD, A: load
into the A register - MAR, PC: load
(address of B operand) into MAR, increment PC - RD, WR: load
onto the D bus, then write the value of the B bus (equal to the value of the D bus minus the value of the A register) intomem[MAR]
- PC, JMP: if the LEQ flag is set (the result of B-A was less than or equal to zero) then set PC to
(the C operand) i.e. jump to C, otherwise increment PC
Input/output is performed through memory-mapped I/O, with the I/O driver mapped to address 0xffffffff (-1). If the A signal is enabled, then reading from this address returns the negation of the next input character. If the A signal is not enabled, then the value 0xffffffff is returned. Writing to this address prints the character obtained by performing a bitwise NOT on the value of the B bus. This behaviour allows the following I/O instructions to be performed:
- (-1) X: add the input character to X (X -= -input)
- X (-1): output the character in X (subtracting X from 0xffffffff gives NOT X, then performing a NOT on this yields the original X)
Jumping to address 0xffffffff (-1) disables the clock signal, effectively halting the CPU.
To simulate the CPU:
- open cpu.circ in Logisim
- increase the simulation speed: Simulate > Tick Frequency > 1024 Hz
- load a program: to run the demo program, first make sure you have run
in the project root directory, then right-click the component labeled "RAM" > Load Image... > ../image.hex - start the simulation: Simulate > Ticks Enabled
- make sure you're using the hand tool, and select the component labeled "Input" by clicking on it
- interact with the program as you would with any other console-based application
- if the clock line turns blue, it means that the program has halted
- to stop the machine, uncheck Simulate > Ticks Enabled, then press the reset button labeled "R"
- repeat from step 3 if necessary
Libraries for programs written in SUBLEQ assembly, as accepted by sqasm, are available.
They provide several common functions:
- getint (read integer from input)
- gets (read string from input)
- putint (write integer to output)
- puts (write string to output)
Several useful procedures are also available:
- bubblesort (sort a string of characters)
- calc (perform a given operation on two integers)
- factorial (calculate the factorial of a positive integer)
- primes (generate and print a list of primes)
Usage information and equivalent C code (where appropriate) is provided in the comments of each of these files.
A menu-driven program demonstrating the above libraries is also provided.
Simply call make run
in the project root directory to run the demo program.
A very minimal (only 222 bytes in size) SUBLEQ interpreter written in C is available:
main(int C,char**A){FILE*F=fopen(A[1],"r");int P=0,_[9999],*i=_;while(fscanf(F,
"%d",i++)>0);while(P>=0){int a=_[P++],b=_[P++],c=_[P++];a<0?_[b]+=getchar():b<0
It has been somewhat obfuscated to reduce the code size, so a more readable version is also provided. It should function similarly to sqrun.
This terminal demonstrates the JavaScript interpreter running the provided demo program.