Blazor Snippets for VS Code provides common snippets for writing Blazor apps in VS Code and lets you spend less time writing boilerplate and more time writing your app.
This demo combines multiple snippets together:
- It uses
to create a blank Blazor Component. bpara
to create a parameter.binjhttp
to inject an HttpClient.boi
to create OnInitializedAsync.bgja
to make the AJAX call.
Snippet | Purpose |
bc |
Creates a blank Blazor Component. |
bchttp |
Creates a Blazor Component with an HTTP call. |
bcchild |
Creates a Blazor Child Component that accepts a parameter. |
bccv |
Creates a Blazor <CascadingValue> Component |
beditform |
Creates a <EditForm> Component |
bdavalidator |
Creates a <DataAnnotationsValidator> Component |
bitext |
Creates a <InputText> Component |
bitextarea |
Creates a <InputTextArea> Component |
bicheck |
Creates a <InputCheckbox> Component |
binumber |
Creates a <InputNumber> Component |
bidate |
Creates a <InputDate> Component |
biselect |
Creates a <InputSelect> Component |
Snippet | Purpose |
boi |
Creates an OnInitializedAsync event. |
bois |
Creates an OnInitialized event (s for synchronous). |
boar |
Creates an OnAfterRenderAsync event. |
boars |
Creates an OnAfterRender event (s for synchronous) |
bops |
Creates an OnParametersSetAsync event. |
bopss |
Creates an OnParametersSet event (s for synchronous). |
bsr |
Creates a ShouldRender event. |
bonch |
Creates an OnChangeAsync event. |
bonchs |
Creates an OnChange event (s for synchronous). |
Snippet | Purpose |
bfunc |
Creates a @functions block. |
bcode |
Creates a @code block. |
bpara |
Creates a property with a Parameter attribute. Example: [Parameter] public string Name { get; set; } |
bcpara |
Creates a property with a CascadingParameter attribute. Example: [CascadingParameter] public string Name { get; set; } |
bpg |
Creates @page "/" with a route. |
binj |
Creates @inject Type Name directive. |
binjhttp |
Creates @inject HttpClient Http . |
binjconf |
Creates @inject IConfiguration Configuration . |
binh |
Creates @inherits directive. |
bforeach |
Creates @foreach directive. |
bfor |
Creates @for directive. |
bif |
Creates @if directive. |
bife |
Creates @if @else directive. |
bgja |
Creates @await Http.GetFromJsonAsync<string>("api/") . |
bprop |
Creates a property. Example: public string Name { get; set; } |
Type part of a snippet, press tab
and the snippet unfolds. Continue hitting tab for certan snippets that let you jump to the next cursor location.
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