A curated collection of resources and tools to help you get started with Darwinia. We welcome contributions to keep this documentation always up to date.
- Get started with Darwinia - The official guide.
- What is Crab Chain? - What is a Crab chain, and when should it be used?
- What is RingDAO? - RingDAO official website.
- What is DCDAO? - DCDAO explaination.
- What is KtonDAO? - KtonDAO explaination.
- Darwinia Developer Series - Series of videos for building on Darwinia.
- Official Github - Darwinia main Github repos.
- DIP(Darwinia Improvement Proposal) - Submit the changes proposal you want to make to Darwinia.
- RFP(Request for Proposals) - Checkout the RFPs to see if you can help.
- Official Grant Program - Apply for grants.
- Band Assets - Everything about brand assets.
- Darwinia Papers - Papers that demonstrate the solution offered by Darwinia.
- Darwinia Bridge - A central place to exchange Darwinia tokens within the Polkadot and Ethereum ecosystem.
- ParaLink - Allow the users to exchange Darwinia tokens within the Polkadot ecosystem.
- Snowswap - A decentralised swap for tokens.
- Helix Bridge - Allow the users to exchange Darwinia tokens within the Ethereum ecosystem.
- Darwinia 2.0 Account Migration - Allow the previous Darwinia 1.0 users to migrate to Darwinia 2.0.