A basic hospital management system is built on the idea of keeping track of patients', physicians', and other hospital personnel's data. This system does not have a login mechanism in place. The user is free to utilize its capabilities, and it is primarily designed to include data at a hospital's reception desk. This mini project has only a few features, but they are crucial.
Hospital Management system is developed using C Programming Language and different variables, strings have been used for the development of it. To run the project, you must have installed Code Blocks or any other C compiler on your PC.
When it comes to the capabilities of the Hospital Management System, a user may add new patient records, diagnose information, verify patient information, and examine information about the hospital after logging in as a user. Because this project focuses on adding and retrieving files, the user must delete the file from the project folder to delete a record. When creating a patient record, he or she must include information such as the patient's name, address, phone number, age, sex, blood group, illness name, and patient ID number. Similarly, if a doctor wants to add diagnosis information to a patient's file, he or she must first pick the patient's file and then enter symptoms, diagnoses, medicines, ask admission, and ward type. The user may quickly see the patient's history, which includes all the patient's details. This small project aids with the effective and organized sorting, editing, and storage of data. It is a basic, well-structured software that handles files and may be readily understood by users.
The features and functionalities contained in this project are listed below.
- Add patient or doctor records
- View available records
- Search patient by batch number
- Modify the records
- Delete a record
- Display individual record based on batch number
- Display all records
• Patient:
- Pinput() - To input the details of a patient
- Poutput() - To display the details of the patient
- Pmodify() - To modify the details of a patient
- Pdel() – To delete a patient record
• Doctor:
- Dinput() – To input the details of a doctor
- Doutput() – To display the details of the doctor
- Dmodify() – To modify the details of a doctor
- Ddel() – To delete a doctor record