- API - Application Programming Interface
- API is a rather broad term - covering a wide range of meanings
- Application - A computer application
- Web Site, Mobile Application, any computer program
- Programming - Instructions to complete a task
- Interface - A point where two systems meet and interact
- An API is a method for two computer applications to speak to each other
- APIs come in many flavors
- Clicking on a link in an email message is executing an API
- Tells your device to open the web browser and go to this website
- This action is performed via an API
- Some APIs are very technology specific - considered CLOSED
- For example on a mobile device where one application opens another
- Others adopt broadly accepted standards - considered OPEN
- Estrategia
- Definir los objetivos que se desea alcanzar con las API.
- Que mercado se va abordar.
- Que recursos se tienen a disposicion.
- Que marco de tiempo se tiene para alcanzar los objetivos.
- Diseno
- Indentificar entidades de negocio.
- Modelar entidades de negocio.
- Documentar API
- Disenar el contrato de la API (Open API)
- Compartir diseno con futuros consumidores (YAML)