Lightweight API to create modular routers for Vert.x REST endpoints.
Create your own service by extending the
define a mount point. This is the context root relative to the root of your application. All further routes are defined below this mountpoint
create a router. Create a router and define your routes as you would with any other Vert.x router
create a
file and put your service's fully qualified class names in it -
Optional: if your service requires a Verticle to be deployed, this is best done by overriding the
method and deploy your Verticle as you probably would in the start method of an AbstractVerticle
public class TestService extends AbstractService<TestService> {
public Router createRouter() {
Router router = Router.router(vertx());
router.get("/world").handler(ctx -> ctx.response().end("Hello world"));
return router;
public String mountPoint() {
return "/hello";
In order to build an app that assembles all modular Verticles, you create your HTTP Server and a router as you would with any other Vert.x Web application.
After creating and initializing the Router, but before adding a StaticContentHandler.
The services are discovered automatically via the Java ServiceLoader mechanism when Service.mountAll
is invoked.
The method takes three arguments:
- the parent router
- the config that is passed to every service
- the authProvider for services that require authentication
final AuthProvider auth = ...
final JsonObject config = ...
//create the main router
final Router router = Router.router(vertx);
//add global handler
//mount all services that are on the classpath
Service.mountAll(router, config, auth);
//static handler should be added after everything else
and finally create the server with the router to handle the requests