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example of webapp with aspnet core and react with httponly jwt auth


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  • Security

    • Development with https self signed wildcard certs
    • JWT auth flags secure, httponly, samesite strict
    • Roles admin, advanced, normal with static UserPermission matrix
  • Backend

    • C# asp net core
    • Configuration
      • development user-secrets
      • appsettings.json, appsettings.[Environment].json ( autoreload on change )
      • environment variables
  • Frontend

    • Typescript react frontend + vite tooling
    • React redux GlobalState for current user
    • Layout with responsive appbar, public and protected pages with react router dom
    • Openapi typescript/axios generate from backend swagger endpoint
    • Login / Logout / Reset lost password through email link
    • User manager with auth controller edit user to create, edit username, password, email, roles, disable
    • Light/Dark themes, Snacks
    • PWA capabilities ( installable w/chrome )
  • Debugging

    • backend and frontend debugging in a solution from the same IDE
  • Production

    • publish release with frontend webpacked available through server static files available directly from within backend
    • publish deployment script with systemd service and environment secrets

project folders

├── deploy
│   ├── nginx
│   │   ├── dev
│   │   └── prod
│   ├── scripts
│   └── service
├── doc
│   └── website-media
├── misc
└── src
    ├── backend
    │   ├── abstractions
    │   ├── db-context
    │   ├── db-migrations-psql
    │   ├── test
    │   └── webapi
    └── frontend
        ├── api
        ├── dist
        ├── node_modules
        ├── public
        └── src
folder description
deploy deploy files
deploy/nginx deploy nginx conf files for dev and prod
deploy/scripts deploy scripts ( )
deploy/service /etc/systemd/system service files
doc project documents, db. diagram
misc misc scripts ( restore scripts exec permissions, db dia gen script )
src sources
src/backend c# backend
src/backend/abstractions c# backend abstraction services
src/backend/db-context c# database context
src/backend/db-migrations-psql c# ef core psql migrations
src/backend/test c# backend integration test
src/backend/webapi c# webapi backend
src/frontend react typescript frontend
src/frontend/api typescript openapi autogenerated api
src/frontend/node_modules results of npm i installed modules
src/frontend/public frontend public folder
src/frontend/src react typescript frontend app

quickstart (dev)

  • see prerequisites to setup self signed dev cert and nginx proxy

clone sources and install template

  • clone repo
git clone
cd example-webapp-with-auth
dotnet new install .
cd ..

create project source tree

dotnet new webapp-with-auth -n project-folder --namespace My.Some
cd project-folder
source misc/
dotnet build

configure project

  • set shell variables replacing REPL_ vars
DB_CONN_STRING="Host=localhost; Database=ExampleWebApp; Username=example_webapp_user; Password=$(cat ~/security/devel/ExampleWebApp/postgres-user)"
JWTKEY="$(openssl rand -hex 32)"

optionally set unit test conn string

UNIT_TEST_DB_CONN_STRING="Host=localhost; Database=ExampleWebAppTest; Username=example_webapp_user; Password=$(cat ~/security/devel/ExampleWebApp/postgres-user)"
  • set development user secrets
cd src/backend/webapi
dotnet user-secrets init

dotnet user-secrets set "AppConfig:Auth:Jwt:Key" "$JWTKEY"

dotnet user-secrets set "AppConfig:Database:Seed:Users:0:Username" "admin"
dotnet user-secrets set "AppConfig:Database:Seed:Users:0:Email" "$SEED_ADMIN_EMAIL"
dotnet user-secrets set "AppConfig:Database:Seed:Users:0:Password" "$SEED_ADMIN_PASS"
dotnet user-secrets set "AppConfig:Database:Seed:Users:0:Roles:0" "admin"

dotnet user-secrets set "AppConfig:Database:ConnectionName" "Development"
dotnet user-secrets set "AppConfig:Database:Connections:0:Name" "Development"
dotnet user-secrets set "AppConfig:Database:Connections:0:ConnectionString" "$DB_CONN_STRING"
dotnet user-secrets set "AppConfig:Database:Connections:0:Provider" "$DB_PROVIDER"

# optionally configure also unit test db
dotnet user-secrets set "AppConfig:Database:Connections:1:Name" "UnitTest"
dotnet user-secrets set "AppConfig:Database:Connections:1:ConnectionString" "$UNIT_TEST_DB_CONN_STRING"
dotnet user-secrets set "AppConfig:Database:Connections:1:Provider" "$DB_PROVIDER"

cd ..
  • example result of dotnet user-secrets list
AppConfig:Database:Seed:Users:0:Username = admin
AppConfig:Database:Seed:Users:0:Roles:0 = admin
AppConfig:Database:Seed:Users:0:Password = ADMINPASS
AppConfig:Database:Seed:Users:0:Email = ADMIN@EMAIL.COM
AppConfig:Database:Connections:1:Provider = Postgres
AppConfig:Database:Connections:1:Name = UnitTest
AppConfig:Database:Connections:1:ConnectionString = Host=localhost; Database=ExampleWebAppTest; Username=example_webapp_user; Password=DBPASS
AppConfig:Database:Connections:0:Provider = Postgres
AppConfig:Database:Connections:0:Name = Development
AppConfig:Database:Connections:0:ConnectionString = Host=localhost; Database=ExampleWebApp; Username=example_webapp_user; Password=DBPASS
AppConfig:Database:ConnectionName = Development
AppConfig:Auth:Jwt:Key = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

configuration parameters for mail server

  • to be able to use the reset password feature configure also the smtp server
cd src/backend/webapi
dotnet user-secrets set "EmailServer:SmtpServerName" REPL_MAILSERVER_HOSTNAME
dotnet user-secrets set "EmailServer:SmtpServerPort" REPL_MAILSERVER_PORT
dotnet user-secrets set "EmailServer:Security" REPL_MAILSERVER_SECURITY
dotnet user-secrets set "EmailServer:Username" REPL_MAILSERVER_USER_EMAIL
dotnet user-secrets set "EmailServer:Password" REPL_MAILSERVER_USER_PASSWORD
cd ..

accepted values for EmailServer:Security are Tls, Ssl, Auto, None.

start debug

code .
  • choose .NET Core Launch (web) from run and debug then hit F5 ( this will start asp net web server on https://webapp-test.searchathing.local/swagger/index.html )

  • restore client node modules

cd ../frontend
npm i
cd ../..
  • start frontend
  • choose Launch Chrome from run and debug then click the play icon ( this will start browser )

  • try to login/current user/logout/current user button from frontend

  • login page

  • master page

  • user manager


development database setup

  • create db secrets
apt install pwgen
mkdir -p ~/security/devel/ExampleWebApp
chmod 700 ~/security
pwgen -s 12 -n 1 > ~/security/devel/postgres
echo "$(pwgen -s 12 -n 1)#" > ~/security/devel/ExampleWebApp/admin
pwgen -s 12 -n 1 > ~/security/devel/ExampleWebApp/postgres-user
echo "localhost:*:*:postgres:$(cat ~/security/devel/postgres)" >> ~/.pgpass
chmod 600 ~/.pgpass
  • install postgres as docker and psql client in the host
docker volume create pgdata
docker run -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=`cat ~/security/devel/postgres` --restart=unless-stopped --name postgres -v pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data -d -p 5432:5432/tcp postgres:latest
apt install postgresql-client-16
  • this will allow you to connect to localhost postgres db as postgres user ( test with psql -h localhost -U postgres if connects )

  • create postgres example_webapp_user user with capability to createdb

  • local db setup

echo "CREATE USER example_webapp_user WITH PASSWORD '$(cat ~/security/devel/ExampleWebApp/postgres-user)' CREATEDB" | psql -h localhost -U postgres

create selfsigned cert

mkdir -p ~/opensource
cd ~/opensource
git clone
export PATH=$PATH:~/opensource/linux-scripts-utils
mkdir -p ~/sscerts
chmod 700 ~/sscerts
  • create cert parameters file ~/sscerts/searchathing.local.params ( replace searchathing.local with your own )
DURATION_DAYS=36500 # 100 years
  • create root-ca certificates
  • generated root-ca files
file description
~/sscerts/searchathing.local.crt root-ca certificate that you can register into the browser to trust linked certificates
~/sscerts/searchathing.local.key key of the root-ca certificte ( this is NOT NEEDED anywhere, do not share )
  • create test certificates ( note: this generate a wildcard certificate *.yourdomain, so can be reused for other development projects )
CERTPARAMS=~/sscerts/searchathing.local.params --add-empty --add-wildcard
file description
~/sscerts/searchathing.local/searchathing.local.crt is the certificate crt for nginx https proxy
~/sscerts/searchathing.local/searchathing.local.key is the certificate key for nginx https proxy

setup development nginx

  • install nginx
apt install nginx
cd /etc/nginx/conf.d
ln -s PATH_TO/example-webapp-with-auth/deploy/nginx/dev/webapp-test.conf dev-webapp-test.conf

adjust local dns

  • edit /etc/hosts  localhost

#----------------------------------- dev-webapp-test.searchathing.local

install root ca for local development

Installing root-ca certificate imply that certificates generated within that will be consequently trusted.

  • chrome: settings/Privacy and security/Security/Manage certificates/Authorities/Import

    • select ~/sscerts/searchathing.local_CA.crt
    • tick Trust this certificate for identifying websites
  • firefox: settings/Privacy & Security/Certificates/View Certificates/Authorities/Import

    • select ~/sscerts/searchathing.local_CA.crt
    • tick Trust this CA to identify websites
  • shell

    • copy ~/sscerts/searchathing.local_CA.crt to /usr/local/share/ca-certificates
    • issue sudo update-ca-certificates

dev notes

JWT auth access and refresh token

  • authentication and authorization are managed entirely by the backend, in fact the frontend doesn't store any access token or restore token in local storage ; from the frontend side point of view the authentication is transparently managed through the browser X-Access-Token and X-Refresh-Token that the server sets after successful login through Set-Cookie header ( the frontend only call the login and logout webapi without storing anything on javascript side ):
    • XSS ( Cross-site scripting ) attack are prevented because the absence of access token from the local storage makes javascript unable to read these token
    • CSRF ( Cross-site request forgery ) attack are prevented because the cookie is stored within follow attributes
      • secure : prevent the cookie to be stored against a phising site because https will identify the server autenticity
      • httponly : prevent the javascript to read the cookie ( only the browser can handle by sending through the request header )
      • samesite strict : prevent to send the access token to other servers
  • web api controller methods are executable only from user with valid access token because of the [Authorize] attribute ; further refinement can require user to have one or more roles through the attribute specialization with Roles. To allow anonymous api use [AllowAnonymous] attribute.
  • use of the access token allow the server to authenticate the user by reading user, role and other info contained in the token itself; note that these info are not encrypted and can be viewed, but the token contains a signature that can't be generated from other than the server that contains the JWT key to create the signature itself. In other words the server validate the access token and signature match considering as valid the provided identity informations ( because it was the server itself that signed the data no other could generate corresponding signature ). This requires less hardware resources than using a db to validate the user.
  • for paranoid setting the expiration of an access token should short and this maintain ability to execute high rate operations retaining the ability to block a user within a short response time. In fact a valid access token can't revoked by default rule but having a short time of validity allow the server to ban any other authorized api for that user simply disabling it. In fact after user is disabled the process of renew of another access token, even with a valid refresh token ( that has longer expire time ) gets disabled immediately.
  • in order to allow frontend application run longer than refresh token expiration, expecially if used a short refresh token ( ie. 5min ), the frontend will schedule a renew of refresh token, using the current valid auth, 30sec before the refresh token expires; this way the session continue without the need to login again. Following an excerpt with testing parameters ( AccessTokenDurationSeconds=10, RefreshTokenDurationSeconds=20, RefreshTokenDurationSkewSeconds=2 ) :
Layout.tsx:35 refresh token will expire at Sat Sep 07 2024 23:50:20 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)
Layout.tsx:40   renew at Sat Sep 07 2024 23:50:10 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)
Layout.tsx:42   renewing refresh token
Layout.tsx:35 refresh token will expire at Sat Sep 07 2024 23:50:30 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)
Layout.tsx:40   renew at Sat Sep 07 2024 23:50:20 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)
Layout.tsx:42   renewing refresh token
Layout.tsx:35 refresh token will expire at Sat Sep 07 2024 23:50:41 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)
Layout.tsx:40   renew at Sat Sep 07 2024 23:50:31 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)
Layout.tsx:42   renewing refr

In the frontend, by default a the renewal of refresh token happens 30 sec before expiration, but in this dev mode test it happens 10 sec before the expiration. Instead using provided appsettings.json the refresh token have a duration of 1200 sec ( 20 min ) and if the frontend is still opened at 20min - 30sec it will renew the refresh token ; this way an api call will issued each 19.5min to keep alive the authentication. Note, that if the user is disabled the renew refresh token gets unauthorized.


run tests

  • configure unit test db settings
cd src/app/backend

TEST_DB_CONN_STRING="Host=localhost; Database=ExampleWebAppTest; Username=example_webapp_user; Password=$(cat ~/security/devel/ExampleWebApp/postgres-user)"

dotnet user-secrets set "ConnectionStrings:UnitTest" "$TEST_DB_CONN_STRING"

cd ../../..
  • to run tests ( requires about 1 min to complete )
dotnet test

or run specific test with ( replace TEST with one from dotnet test -t )

dotnet test --filter=TEST

configuration parameters

param name description example
Server:HostName Used to build app url for the reset password link. "dev-webapp-test.searchathing.local"
Database:SchemaSnakeCase if true generates db schema with snake case mode ( useful for Postgres )
Database:ConnectionName Connection to user. "Development"
Database:Connections:IDX:Provider Used to inject db provider service. "Postgres"
Database:Connections:IDX:ConnectionString Used to build application db context datasource. "Host=localhost; Database=ExampleWebApp; Username=postgres; Password=somepass"
Database:Seed:Users:IDX:UserName Default seeded user username admin
Database:Seed:Users:IDX:Password Default seeded user password SomePass1!
Database:Seed:Users:IDX:Email Default seeded user email
Database:Seed:Users:IDX:Roles Default seeded user roles admin
Auth:JwtSettings:Key Symmetric key for JWT signature generation. (results from openssl rand -hex 32 command)
Auth:JwtSettings:Issuer Issuer of the JWT access token. ""
Auth:JwtSettings:Audience Audience of the JWT access token. ""
Auth:JwtSettings:AccessTokenDuration JWT access token duration (TimeSpan) "00:00:30"
Auth:JwtSettings:RefreshTokenDuration JWT refresh token duration (TimeSpan) "7.00:00:00"
Auth:JwtSettings:ClockSkew JWT access token clock skew (TimeSpan) "00:00:00"
EmailServer:Username Email server config used in reset password ( account username )
EmailServer:Password Email server config used in reset password ( account password )
EmailServer:SmtpServer Email server config used in reset password ( account smtp server )
EmailServer:SmtpServerPort Email server config used in reset password ( account smtp port ) 587
EmailServer:Security Email server config used in reset password ( account protocol security ) "Tls"
EmailServer:FromDisplayName Email server config used in reset password ( account displayname of the sender ) "Server"
IsUnitTest Used to build unit test application datasource in unit test mode. Will be set to true from the test factory. false

The configuration is setup through SetupAppSettings method in order to evaluate:

  • appsettings.json
  • appsettings.ENV.json ( where ENV is the executing environment, ie. Development, Production, ... )
  • environment variables replacing : with __ ( used for example in the production environment )
  • user secrets used in development environment

The configuration of appsettings json files will reapplied on change automatically even at runtime ( note that in debug environment you need to change appsettings json files that are inside WebApiServer/bin/Debug/net8.0 folder )

add more migrations


db dia gen

database diagram can be generated through script that uses schemacrawler ( more )


configuration parameters

Configuration parameters for the frontend can be set at compile-time through .env.development and .env.production files depending on the build mode.

param name description
VITE_SERVERNAME used to build api url
VITE_GITCOMMIT git commit short sha
VITE_GITCOMMITDATE git commit date

note that VITE_GITCOMMIT and VITE_GITCOMMITDATE gets automatically updated by the script for the .env.production configuration file.

openapi usage

  • start the backend
cd example-webapp-with-auth/src/backend/webapi
dotnet run
  • generate Typescript/axios frontend api
cd example-webapp-with-auth

invoke api

  • foreach ControlleBase api will generated through

  • create a related api reference ( example )

  • invoke with try, catch using handleApiException helper to report problem on the gui through snacks

try {
    const res = await someApi.apiSomeGet({
        param: value,
        param2: value2,        
    console.log('successful api invocation')

} catch (_ex) {
    handleApiException(_ex as ResponseError)

white papers

reset password

  • on the login page there is a "Lost password ?" button

  • clicking on that button, having the email field filled with a previously registered user, cause the frontend to invoke the ResetLostPassword auth controller anonymous access api.

  • this controller api method in turn uses the authentication service ResetLostPasswordRequestAsync method; this works as follow

    • retrieve existing user by given email
    • retrieve configuration parameters for mail server
    • retrieve configuration parameter for app servername in order to build a reset url like the follow https://webapp-test.searchathing.local/app/Login/:from/RESET_TOKEN ( :from parameter will considered null )
    • email with reset password link sent
  • gui snack notification

  • email received

  • the mail link will open the browser at the login page with the token param and this cause the form to appears as follow

  • inserting the corresponding email address now and a new password this will be reset through the call of the ResetLostPassword auth controller anonymous access api again but within non null token and resetPassword.
  • then the authentication service ResetLostPasswordRequestAsync will finish the rule this way
    • execute the auth service LoginAsync with username, resetPassword and optional argument token with a non null value in order to reset the user passowrd

user manager

  • if the user current user has permission to create user with some specific role use the Create button from the user manager

  • to edit an existing user click on the Edit button

username and password criteria

  • these can be overriden at compile time here.
  • the gui will inherit username and password rules through the AuthOptions service invoke by the sama name auth controller method. These will be evaluated during user editing here.

predefined roles and permissions

permission/role admin advanced normal

production deployment (linux platform)

dotnet publish -c Release --runtime linux-x64 --sc
  • note: option --sc makes self contained with all required runtimes ( ie. no need to install dotnet runtime on the target platform )

  • published files will be in webapi/bin/Release/net8.0/linux-x64/publish/

db machine prerequisite

apt install postgres
su - postgres
  • tune postgres host allowed /etc/postgresql/16/main/my.conf
listen_addresses = '*'
  • tune postgres db permissions /etc/postgresql/16/main/pg_hba.conf ( replace TARGETMACHINEIP with ip of the target machine where the app will run )
# TYPE  DATABASE        USER                  ADDRESS                 METHOD
host    webapp_test     webapp_test_user      TARGETMACHINEIP/32      scram-sha-256
host    postgres        webapp_test_user      TARGETMACHINEIP/32      scram-sha-256

ssh config on development machine

Host main-test
  User root
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/main-test.id_rsa
  • append ~/.ssh/ content to the target machine /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

target machine

  • from target machine:
apt install openssh-server rsync nginx
useradd -m user
mkdir /root/secrets

publish to target machine

the syntax is

./ argmuments:
  -h <sshhost>        ssh host where to publish ( ie. main-test )
  -sn <servername>    nginx app servername ( ie. mytest.searchathing.local )
  -id <appid>         app identifier ( ie. mytest )
  -f                  force overwrite existing

then invoke

./ -h main-test -sn mytest.searchathing.local -id mytest

manual tuning

replace APP_ID with the one used in -id publish parameter

  • edit /root/security/APP_ID.env replacing variables as described in comments

    • JwtSettings__Key can be generated through openssl rand -hex 32
  • edit /etc/system/systemd/APP_ID-webapp.service replacing variables

variable description
Description service textual description
SyslogIdentifier service syslog identifier

then issue service APP_ID-webapp restart

published files and folders

folder description
/root/deploy/mytest rsync of deploy folder
/srv/mytest/bin rsync of self contained production src/backend/webapi/bin/Release/net8.0/linux-x64/publish folder
/etc/system/systemd/mytest-webapp.service copy if not already exists of webapp.service
/etc/nginx/conf.d/mytest-webapp.conf copy if not already exists of webapp.conf

how this project was built

mkdir example-webapp-with-auth
cd example-webapp-with-auth
git init
dotnet new gitignore
mkdir -p src/backend
cd src/backend
dotnet new webapi -n webapi
cd ..
npm create vite@latest frontend -- --template react-ts
cd frontend
npm i --save-dev @vitejs/plugin-react
npm i @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled @mui/icons-material
npm i @reduxjs/toolkit react-redux react-router-dom axios linq-to-typescript usehooks-ts @fontsource/roboto
cd ..
dotnet new sln
dotnet sln add src/webapi
dotnet build
  • create app dbcontext
cd example-webapp-with-auth/src/backend
dotnet new classlib -n db-context
cd db-context
dotnet add package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore --version 8.0.5
dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design --version 8.0.5
cd ../../..
dotnet sln add db-context
  • create app dbcontext migration
cd example-webapp-with-auth/src/backend
dotnet new classlib -n db-migrations-psql
cd db-migrations-psql
dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational --version 8.0.7
dotnet add package Npgsql.EntityFrameworkCore.PostgreSQL --version 8.0.4
dotnet add reference ../db-context
cd ../../..
dotnet sln add db-migrations-psql
  • add db pkgs to webapi sever
cd example-webapp-with-auth/src/backend/webapi
dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design --version 8.0.7
dotnet add package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer --version 8.0.7
dotnet add package Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens --version 8.0.1
dotnet add package System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt --version 8.0.1
dotnet add reference ../db-context
dotnet add reference ../db-migrations-psql
  • init ef tools
dotnet new tool-manifest
dotnet tool install dotnet-ef
  • init secrets
openssl rand -hex 32 > ~/security/example-webapp-with-auth-jwt.key

dotnet user-secrets init
dotnet user-secrets set "JwtSettings:Key" "$(cat ~/security/example-webapp-with-auth-jwt.key)"
SEED_ADMIN_PASS=$(cat ~/security/example-webapp-with-auth-admin-pass)

DB_CONN_STRING="Host=localhost; Database=ExampleWebApp; Username=example_webapp_user; Password=$(cat ~/security/example-webapp-with-auth-psql-user)"

dotnet user-secrets set "SeedUsers:Admin:Email" "$SEED_ADMIN_EMAIL"
dotnet user-secrets set "SeedUsers:Admin:Password" "$SEED_ADMIN_PASS"
dotnet user-secrets set "DbProvider" "$DB_PROVIDER"
dotnet user-secrets set "ConnectionStrings:Main" "$DB_CONN_STRING"
  • coding... ( create app db context and models )

  • add initial migration

cd example-webapp-with-auth/src/backend/webapi
dotnet ef migrations add init --project ../db-migrations-psql -- --provider Postgres
  • Add integration tests
cd example-webapp-with-auth/src/backend
dotnet new xunit -n test
cd test
dotnet add package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Testing --version 8.0.8