Descripton: It is a library for rotary encoder.Of this library purpose is detect direction of encoder rotation and increase or decrease encoder rotation count. it requiers PCINT ISR for work correctly.
if you don't use PCINT ISR it doesn't reads fast rotations, especialy WITHOUT PCINT ISR it doesn't works at all if you have a big code.
Also pins and ports only can be changed in 'encoder.c' file by changeing values of macros.
void encoder_rotary(void);
volatile int read_encoder(void);
- volatile static uint8_t A_state = 0;
- volatile static uint8_t B_state = 0;
- volatile int R_count = 0;
- #define MIN 0
- #define MAX 999
- #define PIN_A 6
- #define PIN_B 5
- #define PIN PIND
- #include<avr/io.h>