dotproj is a project for creating graphviz dot files from .NET solution/project references
I use Visual Studio Code on Arch Linux
Code is written in C# 7.0, targeting .NET Standard 2.0 / .NET Core 2.0
I use WebGraphviz a lot for testing the output
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
there is also a reference solution with different project types used for testing
at the moment the output from reference solution looks something like this:
digraph {
subgraph cluster_1 {
"fsharp" [shape="box",color="#672878", style="filled", fillcolor="#672878", fontcolor="white"];
"fsharp" -> { }
"il" [shape="box",color="black", style="filled", fillcolor="black", fontcolor="white"];
"il" -> { }
"vbnet" [shape="box",color="#00539C", style="filled", fillcolor="#00539C", fontcolor="white"];
"vbnet" -> { "csharp" "il" }
"packaging" [shape="box",color="gray", style="filled", fillcolor="gray", fontcolor="white"];
"packaging" -> { "csharp" "fsharp" "il" "vbnet" }
"csharp" [shape="box",color="#388A34", style="filled", fillcolor="#388A34", fontcolor="white"];
"csharp" -> { }