Ecole 42 project. UNIX shell implementation from scratch.
Project writed in accordance with the Norm,
so if you're shocked by the way the code is written, it's her fault. Most of standart library functions
like strlen
, printf
, memcpy
and some data structures (hash-table, binary tree, linked lists and strings)
are implemented in other project named Libft. All what we allowed to use for this project
is system-calls, or some basic functions like malloc
, free
, etc.
# clone it and use `make`
$> git clone
$> make
$> ./42sh
Some errors and warnings could be ocured at the compilation on Linux with gcc
Project have been written at macOS Sierra with clang
Here is some screentshots of our shell's work.
As a coder in training, there are moments, which marks your life. Forever. 42sh is one of those moments. Achieving this project is a milestone at 42.
This project is about writing the most stable and most complete UNIX shell possible. You already know a lot of shells and each has its own features, from the humble sh available on every UNIX distribution in the world to the complete and complex zsh, which many of you use without really knowing why. There are many other shells, such as bash, csh, tcsh, ksh, ash, etc. 42sh is your first real shell. It is common practice for students to choose to use a reference shell and try to replicate its basic behavior. This can be a good strategy if you know the reasons why you chose that one shell specifically. Consider this. If you choose zsh as reference, you will need to commit to a long and difficult quest, even if highly instructive. Through this quest, you will learn humility and what it means to work hard.
So what to do? We suggest you try a couple of shell first to get an idea of their suble and twisted differences. However, don’t be fooled by the apparent simplicity of the sh shell. Recoding a thorough and stable sh is an achievement in itself. Forget about the “moons and stars” shells. At the end, they won’t be able to do more than just a few pipes and redirections.
The keyword here is “stability”. A humble and indestructible 42sh is always better than a kooky 42sh with countless features that segfaults in unanticipated ways. The latter will be worth 0 in the end. Make sure that the 42sh you submit is stable. I cannot insist enough on that last point.
Main part of shell:
- Launching of bin ary executable files (+ PATH variable managment)
- Builtins:
(+ CDPATH),export
- Redirection and pipes:
- Logical operators and separators:
- Backround lauchning:
- Enviroment and local variables
- Signals monitoring
- Job control with it's builtins
- Command line editing and history of commands
- Inhibitors
- Pattern matching
- Control groups and sub-shells
- Control substitution
- Ariphmetic operator with substitution
- Process substitution
- Dinamic autocompletion using TAB: variables, commands and files
- Caching and
builtin test
Extra bonuses:
- Shell scripting:
if else
,for in
,for (())
- File input
- Propmpt coloration and modificators (domain name, time, last status and etc)
- Caching of executables to a absolute path
- Binary tree for PATH management
Authors: @Incomprehensible @gdaemoni @zidanez @hgranule