Run PHP scripts on the fly at runtime on a PocketMine-MP server.
This is useful for runtime debugging, when you don't want to restart the server to find out what's going on.
- Write a PHP script and put it in
- Run the script using
/script filename_of_your_script.php
Yes, but don't declare classes, functions, or constants in scripts directly. Anything declared by previous scripts will remain in memory.
Use them for pure code only. If you want to make functions, classes etc., declare them in a separate file and then use require_once
in your script.
is too inconvenient - having to write your entire code into the console (or MC game) is just too inconvenient.
I was inspired by mcfunction
, which allows you to put a list of complex commands in a file and run them at runtime.
Please don't! I take no responsibility if you get hacked by using this plugin.
use pocketmine\block\VanillaBlocks;
use pocketmine\Server;
use pocketmine\world\particle\RedstoneParticle;
$player = Server::getInstance()->getPlayerExact("mctestDylan");
if($player === null){
echo "no player\n";
$pos = $player->getTargetBlock(100, [VanillaBlocks::AIR()->getId() => true])?->getPosition();
if($pos === null){
echo "no position\n";
$player->getWorld()->addParticle($pos, new RedstoneParticle(10));
echo "success!\n";