Your helping hand for problems with garbage.
TrashHero is a Web-App where you can report full trash bins in your near and get information what kind of waste belongs to which trash bin.
We built it with the power of jQuery, SASS, Bootstrap, Google Maps and Directus.
TrashHero ensures that the garbage is better separated and that the planning of garbage collection intervals is optimized by real-time information. This saves exhaust fumes and reduces idling.
Some team members have programmed a web app for the first time or worked for the first time with Frameworks or Tools like jQuery, Bootstrap, Sass & Git. Due to this imbalance there were some barriers, but because we were motivated and focused, we were able to master them all.
Serhiy Danilevych
Elisabeth Kornilow @korniDE
Of course you can extend the concept a lot. Mainly in terms of content where which bin is located or where which garbage should be disposed of.