It's a TicTacToe, what's there to explain?
There's an .exe installer included in the root folder. Double-click that, install, profit. As an alternative, you could download and install a free version of GameMaker Studio 2 to see everything. But why bother with that?
- Gather and Display user names ✔
- Decide who makes the first move -> it felt more straightforward to make X go first (at least that's how we play in Brazil), and then assigning the names in that order
- Display a proper board ✔
- Take turns letting the players move ✔
- Detect when a player wins ✔
- Prevent illegal moves ✔
- Indicate a draw ✔
- When game is over, offer to play again ✔
- Use Object-Oriented Language ✔ (GML)
- Structure the system so that the user interface is separate from game logic -> apart from what is related to game logic (like winning conditions, and who's turn is it), everything is
- Use OO approach to make squares are either X, O, or empty ✔
- Documentation / Code comments ✔
- GameMaker Studio 2 - The game engine used
- Lucas Perez
This project is licensed under the MIT License. It's a TicTacToe. LOL