➡️ Click here to report issues
Welcome to the droplinked ecosystem bug reporting repository We're dedicated to creating an outstanding user experience and your contributions play a key role in achieving this goal. By reporting bugs and glitches, you're helping us to enhance our ecosystem and ensuring it's stable, efficient, and enjoyable for everyone.
Before submitting a bug report, please check the Issues tab to see if your issue has already been reported. If it has, you can add any additional information you have to the existing report. If your issue hasn't been reported yet, please follow these steps to create a new one:
- Create a New Issue: Click on the "Issues" tab and then "New Issue" button.
- Use the right label: At the right section, please choose the right label: ,,,,
- Describe the issue: Include as much detail as possible. Information like what you were doing when the bug occurred, steps to reproduce the issue, and any error messages you received are incredibly helpful.
- Add Screenshots or Videos: If possible, include screenshots or videos that demonstrate the bug. Visuals can be very helpful in understanding the issue.
- Submit the Issue: Once you've filled out all the information, submit the issue. Our team will review it and respond as soon as possible.
Our development team will review your report and investigate the issue. You might be asked for further details or to clarify certain aspects of your report. We appreciate your patience and cooperation during this process. Once we've identified and fixed the bug, we'll update the issue to let you know it's been resolved.
Contributions go beyond bug reporting. If you're interested in contributing to droplinked in other ways, please email us: support@droplinked.com.
We recommend starring and watching this repository to stay updated on bug reports and communications from the development team.
Thank you for contributing to droplinked(https://droplinked.com)! Your support and feedback are what make this project possible. Together, we can build something amazing.