The first what you need to do its organize right folder structure.
How its do it for you help doc How to Write Go Code
├── bin
├── pkg
└── src
└── dykyi-roman
├── dive-into-go
│ ├── client
│ │ └── Templates
│ ├── main.go
│ ├── server
│ │ ├── Domain
│ │ └── Infrastructure
│ ├── storage
│ └── tmp
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile
Multiple File Upload
Work with DB
Using the Go extension for Visual Studio Code, you get language features like IntelliSense, code navigation, symbol search, bracket matching, snippets and many more that will help you in Golang development.
Build image from our Docker file by executing this line at your terminal:
docker build . -t golang-image
After running this, a new docker image has been built with the name we provided (golang-image). Now we can run a container from it:
docker run -p 8080:3001 -it golang-image
Go to your browser and navigate to localhost:8080
docker-compose up
Go to your browser and navigate to localhost:8080
Fresh is a command line tool that builds and (re)starts your web application everytime you save a Go or template file.
Dykyi Roman, e-mail: