Project for the robotics course. This project aims to implement base nodes (listeners/publishers) for arduino mega sensors (SRF08 sonars and MinIMU-9) and the Asus xtionPro live camera. The nodes will run on Odroid XU4 with Ubuntu 18.04 and ROS melodic.
There are standalone libraries for the SRF08 sonar
and MinIMU-9
sensors (LSM6
). You just need to download and include in your main file.
Using Asus xtionPRO live for the RGB image and depth image.
If you are running on windows remove the path from openni2.initialize("/usr/lib/")
---> openni2.initialize()
To run the code you need to install de requirements.txt
file using pip install -r requirements.txt
Of course you need to install an external library openni2
that you can find here.
Let me know if I missed some requirements.
Ok. This one will be tricky:
- First make sure to install the
(version that I'm using on Ubuntu 18.04), you can find a tutorial here. - Install the
libraries from the previous topic.- Try to run one of the examples from
, if you run you're good to go on the python side (I hope).
- Try to run one of the examples from
- Install the openni2_launch package.
- Install the Arduino IDE and necessary libraries, tutorial.
- If you want to know more about Arduino + ROS workpace
- Make both python node executable with
chmod +x
, usually they are located inworkspace/src/SOME_PACKAGE/scripts
. - It'll be nice to have
tmux, screen
or something similar.
Now to start the workspace navigate to ./ros_workspace
and run catkin_make
and then source devel/setup.bash
Upload the Arduino code catkin_make arduino_sensors_firmware_arduino_sensors-upload
Start the ROS-nodes:
- Start
. - Camera topics
roslaunch openni2_launch openni2.launch
. - Arduino node
rosrun rosserial_python /dev/ttyACM0
. - Camera nodes
rosrun camera_rgb_img
androsrun camera_rgb_img