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A git aliases plugin for zsh



I recommend using Znap or installing the plugin manually. You can also install it using any 3rd-party framework or plugin manager you like, but I won't document that here.

Just add this to your .zshrc file:

znap source eckertalex/git.plugin.zsh

To update, run znap pull.

Oh My Zsh

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/git

  2. Include it in your ~/.zshrc

    plugins=(... git)

Default branch name

git.plugin.zsh respects init.defaultBranch setting that was introduced in git 2.28. The order for resolving the default branch name is as follows:

  1. init.defaultBranch if it is set and the branch exists
  2. main if it exists
  3. master as fallback



Alias Command Description
gst git status Show the working tree status
gss git status -s Show the working tree status in short-format


Alias Command Description
gb git branch -vv Show all local branches with last commit message
gba git branch -a -v Show all branches with last commit message
gbd git branch -d Delete branch
gbd! git branch -D Force delete branch
gbage list local branches and display their age
gbsup git set upstream to origin/current-branch Set upstream to origin/current_branch
gbmv Rename old branch to new branch, including in origin remote

Local Files

Alias Command Description
ga git add Add file contents to the index
gaa git add --all Add all file contents to the index
gau git add --update Update the index just where it already has a matching entry
gapa git add --patch Interactively choose hunks of patch between the index and the work tree
grm git rm Removes file from the working tree and the index
grmc git rm --cached Removes file from the index
grs git restore Discard. Restore the worktree for matching paths
grss git restore --source Restore from a different commit
grst git restore --staged Unadd. Reset the index for matching paths. Same as git reset
grst! git restore --staged --worktree Unadd and discard. Reset the index and restore the worktree for matching paths. Same as git reset --hard


Alias Command Description
gclean git clean -di Delete all untracked files. Ignored files will be untouched
gclean! git clean -dfx Delete all untracked and ignored files
gclean!! git reset --hard; git clean -dfx Unadd, discard, and clean. Reset the index, restore the worktree, and delete all untracked and ignored files


Alias Command Description
grh git reset HEAD~1 Uncommit. Remove last commit and keep worktree
grh! git reset --hard HEAD~1 Uncommit and discard. Remove last commit and discard worktree


Alias Command Description
gc git commit -v Commit changes in index
gc! git commit -v --amend Amend last commit
gcn! git commit -v --amend --no-edit Amend last commit, don't edit commit message
gca git commit -v -a Commit all changes
gca! git commit -v -a --amend Amend last commit with all changes
gcan! git commit -v -a --no-edit --amend Amend last commit with all changes, don't edit commit message
gcv git commit -v --no-verify Commit changes in index, don't run pre-push hook
gcav git commit -v -a --no-verify Commit all changes, don't run pre-push hook
gcav! git commit -v -a --no-verify --amend Amend last commit with all changes, don't run pre-push hook
gcm git commit -m Commit changes in index with commit message
gcam git commit -a -m Commit all changes with commit message


Alias Command Description
gco git checkout Switch branches or restore working tree files
gcob git checkout -b Swtich and create a new branch
gcom git checkout (git_default_branch) Switch to default branch
gco- Checkout previous Switch to previous branch/commit
gsw git switch Switch branches
gswc git switch -c Switch an create and new branch
gswm git switch (git_default_branch) Switch to default branch
gsw- git switch (git_default_branch) Switch to previous branch/commit


Alias Command Description
gf git fetch Fetch objects and refs
gfa git fetch --all --prune Fetch from all remotes, before fetching remove any remote-tracking references that no longer exist
gfo git fetch origin Update the remote-tracking branches from origin


Alias Command Description
gp git push Update remote refs along with associated objects
gp! git push --force-with-lease Force push
gpo git push origin Push to origin
gpo! git push --force-with-lease origin Force push to origin
gpv git push --no-verify Push, don't run pre-push hook
gpv! git push --no-verify --force-with-lease Force push, run pre-push hook
ggp push origin current-branch Push current branch to origin
ggp! ggp --force-with-lease Force push current branch to origin
ggpu ggp --set-upstream Push and set upstream
gpoat push all + tags to origin


Alias Command Description
gpl git pull Fetch from and integrate with another repository or a local branch
ggpl pull origin current-branch Pull current branch from origin
gplr git pull --rebase Pull and reconcile by rebase
gplra git pull --rebase --autostash Pull and reconcile by rebase, automatically create temporary stash entry


Alias Command Description
gd git diff Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc
gds git diff --stat Show diff with stats
gdc git diff --cached Show index diff
gdsc git diff --stat --cached Show index diff with stats
gdt git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r list changed files
gdw git diff --word-diff Show word diff
gdwc git diff --word-diff --cached Show index word diff
gdto git difftool Show changes using common diff tools


Alias Command Description
glo git log --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)%h %Cred%ad %Cblue%an%Cgreen%d %Creset%s' --date=short Shows one line commit log with short date
glg git log --stat Shows commit log with stats
glgg git log --graph Shows commit log with a graph
glgga git log --graph --decorate --all Shows all commit logs with a graph
glom git log --oneline --decorate --color (git_default_branch).. Shows one line commit log since branching from git_default_branch
gcount git shortlog -sn Summarizes commit count by author


Alias Command Description
grb git rebase Reapply commits on top of another base tip
grbi git rebase --interactive Rebase interactively
grba git rebase --abort Abort the rebase
grbc git rebase --continue Continue the rebase
grbs git rebase --skip Skip the rebase
grbm git rebase (git_default_branch) Rebase with default branch
grbmi git rebase (git_default_branch) --interactive Rebase with default branch interactively

Stash & Work in Progress

Alias Command Description
gsta git stash Stash the changes in a dirty working directory away
gstd git stash drop Remove a single stash entry from the list of stash entries
gstl git stash list List the stash entries that you currently have
gstp git stash pop Remove a single stashed state from the stash list and apply it on top of the current working tree state
gsts git stash show --text Show the changes recorded in the stash entry as a diff between the stashed contents and the commit back when the stash entry was first created
gwip commit a work-in-progress branch
gunwip uncommit the work-in-progress branch


Alias Command Description
gcp git cherry-pick Apply the changes introduced by some existing commits
gcpa git cherry-pick --abort Abort the cherry-pick
gcpc git cherry-pick --continue Continue the cherry-pick
gcps git cherry-pick --skip Skip the cherry-pick


Alias Command Description
gbs git bisect Use binary search to find the commit that introduced a bug
gbss git bisect start Start bisecting
gbsb git bisect bad Mark commit as bad
gbsg git bisect good Mark commit as good
gbsr git bisect reset Reset bisecting


Alias Command Description
gr git remote -vv Manage set of tracked repositories
gra git remote add Add a remote
grmv git remote rename Rename a remote
grpo git remote prune origin Deletes stale references associated with origin
grrm git remote remove Remove the remote
grset git remote set-url Changes URLs for the remote
grup git remote update Fetch updates


Alias Command Description
gt git tag Create, list, delete
gtl git tag --list List all tags
gtd git tag -d Delete a tag
gtv git tag | sort -V List all tags sorted by version


Alias Command Description
g git The git command
gcl git clone Clone a repository into a new directory
gm git merge Join two or more development histories together
gbl git blame -b -w Show what revision and author last modified each line of a file
gcf git config Get and set repository or global options
gcfl git config --list List all config entries



  • fix bug renaming a branch caused by single quotes
  • remove undefined alias for gignored


  • Initial commit