TTT is in heavy development and I want you to know that contributions are always welcome. Please follow Microsoft's dependency injection system.
Microsoft has some good documentation on dependency injection here: Overview, Using Dependency Injection, Dependency Injection Guidelines.
Creating new items or modifying existing ones is easy. Create a new class in the correct directory, mod/TTT.Shop/Items/{group}. Then create it to your liking. Afterwards, compile the plugin and it's all set. The plugin handles loading all the items.
Available groups are [All, Detective, Traitor].
SimpleName is used for /buy {name}
namespace TTT.Shop.Items.Traitor;
public class AwpItem : IShopItem
public string Name()
return "AWP";
public string SimpleName()
return "awp";
public int Price()
return 2000;
public BuyResult OnBuy(GamePlayer player)
if (player.Credits() < Price()) return BuyResult.NotEnoughCredits;
if (player.PlayerRole() != Role.Traitor) return BuyResult.IncorrectRole;
return BuyResult.Successful;
- [✅] Role assignment
- [✅] DNA Scanner
- [✅] Tazer
- Configuration
- Karma system
- Shop
- RDM Manager
- Add database support for logs and stats