This repository contains simple workflows for web projects. Instead of preparing a new workflow for each new web project, I leave here a functional basis.
In this begining, I will keep some workflows facing the FrontEnd.
This folder contains a workflow for development web projects with Stylus.
The dev dependencies are:
- Gulp, for task runners;
- Stylus, for CSS Preprocessor;
- Nib, for Stylus mixins, utilities, components, and gradient image generation;
- Pug (Jade), for template engine;
- Clean CSS, for minify CSS;
- Gulp-concat, for concatenate files;
- Imagemin, for minify PNG, JPEG, GIF and SVG images;
- Gulp-rename, for rename specifics files;
- Plumber, for prevent pipe breaking caused by errors from gulp plugins;
- Uglify, for minify files with UglifyJS.;
- BrowserSync, for live CSS Reload and Browser Syncing.