A weekend project to create a simple raytracer in C++.
Firstly, install the required tools. It may be that you already have them installed. If not, in Debian or in a Debian-like Linux, you may do:
mikraytrace > apt-get install build-essential cmake
Secondly, you need some third party libraries. These are:
- eigen for linear algebra
- CLI11 for command line processing
- cpptoml for reading configuration files
- toojpeg for writing scenes in JPEG format
- lodepng for loading textures and writing scenes in PNG format
Install them by updating the submodules:
mikraytrace > git submodule update --init --recursive
Thirdly, you may need example textures. I created a texture pack based on free textures from OpenGameArt.org. Create a textures directory and unpack the textures there.
Finally, review CMakeLists.txt. If everything looks okay, create a build directory and run CMake followed by make:
mikraytrace/build > cmake ..
mikraytrace/build > make
This should generate an executable file mrtp_cli. In order to test the program, render the example scene:
mikraytrace > ./build/mrtp_cli bluemol.toml