As far as I know, this was the last version of WWWinamp built using the original Nullsoft C soure code.
A little bit of history here regarding WWWinamp. It was originall developed by Nullsoft in ~2000 to allow someone to control a WinAMP instance through a web broswer. This was very handy if you were running an HTPC and wanted to control your music remotely.
Halo8 picked up development in ~2002 and continued enhancing the software through late 2003.
I picked up enhancements in 2005 due to some bugs that were just driving me bonkers. So even though I wasn't a C programmer by any stretch, I dove in and fixed what I could. Additional enhancements came later from Brian Gilbert in 2006.
The version posted here is the last version of the source code I had.
Personally, I would only use this as a point of research or nostalgia as a custom web server written in C is just asking for trouble these days.