This is a Singer tap that produces JSON-formatted data following the Singer spec.
This tap:
- Pulls raw data from Clubhouse's REST API
- Extracts the following resources from Clubhouse:
- Outputs the schema for each resource
- Incrementally pulls data based on the input state
> pip install tap-clubhouse
Get your Clubhouse API Key
Login to your Clubhouse account, navigate to Your Account > API Tokens page, and generate a new token. You'll need it for the next step.
Create the config file
Create a JSON file called
containing the api token you just generated.{"api_token": "your-api-token", "start_date": "2017-01-01T00:00:00Z"}
[Optional] Create the initial state file
You can provide JSON file that contains a date for the API endpoints to force the application to only fetch data newer than those dates. If you omit the file it will fetch all Clubhouse data
{"stories": "2017-01-17T20:32:05Z"}
Run the application
can be run with:tap-clubhouse --config config.json [--state state.json]
[Optional] Save state
› tap-clubhouse --config config.json --state state.json >> state.json › tail -1 state.json > state.json.tmp && mv state.json.tmp state.json
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