I am currently a Machine Learning Engineer, trying to apply the latest and best Deep Learning techniques to monitor and enhance massive amounts of social data. I am specialized in Computer Vision, having significant experience applying Object Detection in Archaeological Geophysical Surveys, but I don't shy away from NLP or any other task for that matter.
I am (very) passionate about Mathematics, especially Dynamical and Iterated Systems. I try to use Mathematics to create art that is not human. I have made a very fast and fairly complete implementation of Indra's Pearl in C, which is threaded and can generate some really great images. I have also a few of my Processing sketch in open source. I have also developped a distributed fractal computation program (client and server), which acts as a screensaver. It tries to compute the Buddhabrot fractal applied on the Lambda function:
I have a blog, which I try to update regularly. I talk mostly about mathematics, although some Deep Learning stuff is in the pipeline.