Nodejs (at least version 16)
Amazon AWS account and awscli
installed and configured:
Serverless CLI
This repository uses lerna and yarn workspaces to handle dependencies.
The React frontend app sits under frontend/
"Back-end" services sit under services/
Typescript is used across the repository.
Install Dependencies
yarn install
Setup environment file
cp -f services/monitoring-common/environment/config.example.json services/monitoring-common/environment/
sed -i '' 's/REGION_VALUE/us-east-1/g' services/monitoring-common/environment/
sed -i '' 's/ADMIN_EMAIL_VALUE/your@email.address/g' services/monitoring-common/environment/
Deploy all services and frontend
yarn deployAndRunE2eTests --commitId "0000000000000000" --stage dev --forceAll true
yarn prettier
yarn lint
yarn test
yarn coverage
Removes all services and frontend
yarn remove:all:dev