**REQUIRMENTS & INSTALLATIONS (Libraries): ** 1.)Haslib
pip install hashlib
2.) os
pip install os-sys
3.) Json
pip install jsonpython
Execution Process:
Directory Input:
The program will prompt you to enter the path of the directory you want to check. Ensure the path is correct and that the directory exists. Menu Selection:
The program displays a menu with three options:
Select an option:
1. Generate Report
2. Check Integrity
3. Compare Reports
Option 1: Generate Report:
If you choose option 1, the program will generate a report of the current state (hashes) of all files in the specified directory and save it to integrity_report_old.json. The report generation status will be displayed.
Option 2: Check Integrity:
If you choose option 2, the program first generates a new report (integrity_report_new.json) of the current state of the files. It then compares this new report with the old report (integrity_report_old.json) to check if any files have been modified or are missing. It will print out the status of the integrity check, indicating any issues.
Option 3: Compare Reports:
If you choose option 3, the program compares two reports (integrity_report_old.json and integrity_report_new.json). It prints out any discrepancies, such as missing files, hash mismatches, or new files.
Continue or Exit:
After completing the selected operation, the program asks if you want to continue running the program:
Do you want to continue (yes(y)/no(n))?
Enter yes, y, no, or n to continue or exit.