- Field of use
- Description
- Maven
- Requirements
- Installation
- Getting Started
- Use in Spring Boot App
- API Endpoints
- Models
- Authentication and Authorization
- Recommendation
- License
- About Extrawest.com
Client library for OCPI eMSP Server. Library for OCPI CPO can be found in other repo. Open Charge Point Interface (OCPI) is an open protocol used for connections between charging station operators and service providers. Simply put, this protocol facilitates automated roaming for EV drivers between different EV charging networks.
Automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator as a client library for OCPI Server Library
With this library, you can easily get started with the Open Charge-Point Interface by making calls to OCPI EMSP Server API. It is a client to OCPI eMSP Server, created using OpenAPI Generator
Please note, this is a library and not an application, so there is no main method.
Currently we support 2.2.1 OCPI version.
Find the maven repo here: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.extrawest/Extrawest-OCPI-2.2.1-EMSP-Client
Building the API client library requires:
- Java 1.8+
- Maven
To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:
mvn clean install
Add this dependency to your project's POM:
At first generate the JAR by executing:
mvn clean package
Then manually install the following JARs:
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:
public class ClientInfoApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
ClientInfoApi apiInstance = new ClientInfoApi(defaultClient);
String countryCode = "countryCode_example";
String partyId = "partyId_example";
try {
ClientInfoDto result = apiInstance.getHubClientInfo(countryCode, partyId);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling ClientInfoApi#getHubClientInfo");
System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());
- To access the EMSP API classes, we need to configure them as beans:
public class EmspClientConfig {
public EmspTariffControllerApi emspTariffApi() {
return new EmspTariffControllerApi(apiClient());
public ApiClient apiClient() {
return new ApiClient();
- Since we configured our API classes as beans, we can freely inject them in our Spring-managed classes:
public class EmspTariffServiceImpl implements EmspTariffService {
private EmspTariffControllerApi emspTariffControllerApi;
public TariffDto getTariff() {
try {
return emspTariffControllerApi.getTariff("countryCode", "partyId", "tariffId");
} catch (RestClientException e) {
throw new RuntimeException();
Spring Boot application, where we have tested Extrawest-OCPI-2.2.1-EMSP-Client, has below Spring dependencies. In case of library and your project dependencies versions incompatibility, try to add next spring versions into you projects:
All URIs are relative to http://localhost:8080
Class | Method | HTTP request |
ClientInfoApi | getHubClientInfo | GET /api/2.2.1/hubClientInfo/{country_code}/{party_id} |
ClientInfoApi | putHubClientInfo | PUT /api/2.2.1/hubClientInfo/{country_code}/{party_id} |
EmspCdrApi | getCdr | GET /emsp/api/2.2.1/cdr |
EmspCdrApi | postCdr | POST /emsp/api/2.2.1/cdr |
EmspChargingProfilesApi | postChargingProfile | POST /emsp/api/2.2.1/chargingProfiles |
EmspChargingProfilesApi | putChargingProfile | PUT /emsp/api/2.2.1/chargingProfiles/{session_id} |
EmspCommandsApi | postCommand | POST /emsp/api/2.2.1/commands/{command}/{uid} |
EmspCredentialsApi | deleteCredentials | DELETE /emsp/api/2.2.1/credentials |
EmspCredentialsApi | getCredentials | GET /emsp/api/2.2.1/credentials |
EmspCredentialsApi | postCredentials | POST /emsp/api/2.2.1/credentials |
EmspCredentialsApi | putCredentials | PUT /emsp/api/2.2.1/credentials |
EmspLocationApi | getConnector | GET /emsp/api/2.2.1/locations/{country_code}/{party_id}/{location_id}/{evse_uid}/{connector_id} |
EmspLocationApi | getEvse | GET /emsp/api/2.2.1/locations/{country_code}/{party_id}/{location_id}/{evse_uid} |
EmspLocationApi | getLocation | GET /emsp/api/2.2.1/locations/{country_code}/{party_id}/{location_id} |
EmspLocationApi | patchConnector | PATCH /emsp/api/2.2.1/locations/{country_code}/{party_id}/{location_id}/{evse_uid}/{connector_id} |
EmspLocationApi | patchEvse | PATCH /emsp/api/2.2.1/locations/{country_code}/{party_id}/{location_id}/{evse_uid} |
EmspLocationApi | patchLocation | PATCH /emsp/api/2.2.1/locations/{country_code}/{party_id}/{location_id} |
EmspLocationApi | pushConnector | PUT /emsp/api/2.2.1/locations/{country_code}/{party_id}/{location_id}/{evse_uid}/{connector_id} |
EmspLocationApi | pushEvse | PUT /emsp/api/2.2.1/locations/{country_code}/{party_id}/{location_id}/{evse_uid} |
EmspLocationApi | pushLocation | PUT /emsp/api/2.2.1/locations/{country_code}/{party_id}/{location_id} |
EmspSessionsApi | getSession | GET /emsp/api/2.2.1/sessions |
EmspSessionsApi | patchSession | PATCH /emsp/api/2.2.1/sessions |
EmspSessionsApi | putSession | PUT /emsp/api/2.2.1/sessions |
EmspTariffApi | deleteTariff | DELETE /emsp/api/2.2.1/tariffs |
EmspTariffApi | getTariff | GET /emsp/api/2.2.1/tariffs |
EmspTariffApi | saveTariff | PUT /emsp/api/2.2.1/tariffs |
EmspTokenApi | getTokens | GET /emsp/api/2.2.1/tokens |
EmspTokenApi | postToken | POST /emsp/api/2.2.1/tokens/{token_uid}/authorize |
EmspVersionApi | getVersionDetails | GET /emsp/api/versions/details |
EmspVersionApi | getVersions | GET /emsp/api/versions |
- AbstractProfileResult
- ActiveChargingProfile
- AdditionalGeoLocation
- AuthorizationInfoDto
- BusinessDetails
- CDRDto
- CdrDimension
- CdrLocation
- CdrToken
- ChargingPeriod
- ChargingProfile
- ChargingProfilePeriod
- ClientInfoDto
- CommandResult
- Connector
- CredentialsDto
- CredentialsRole
- DisplayText
- Endpoint
- EnergyContract
- EnergyMix
- EnergySource
- EnvironmentalImpact
- ExceptionalPeriod
- GeoLocation
- Hours
- Image
- Location
- LocationReferencesDto
- Price
- PriceComponent
- PublishTokenType
- RegularHours
- ResponseFormatAuthorizationInfoDto
- ResponseFormatCDRDto
- ResponseFormatCredentialsDto
- ResponseFormatListTokenDto
- ResponseFormatListVersionDto
- ResponseFormatLocationData
- ResponseFormatObject
- ResponseFormatSessionDto
- ResponseFormatString
- ResponseFormatTariffDto
- ResponseFormatVersionDetailsDto
- SessionDto
- SignedData
- SignedValue
- StatusSchedule
- TariffDto
- TariffElement
- TariffRestrictions
- TokenDto
- VersionDetailsDto
- VersionDto
All endpoints do not require authorization or authentication.
It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient
per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.
We are devoted to push the marked for vehicles charging forward. There are many standards out there, we intend to implement and share them. Any help is much appreciated!
The market is in its defining state, the practices and standards we come up with now, may very well stick around for decades to come.
See our vision at https://www.extrawest.com/