This Google Colab Notebook is provided for a workshop held by IEEE Young Professionals, "Google Colaboratory, Reinforcement Learning using Python" @ Montreal on 23 March 2021 in two-part. In the first step, we covered the basics of using Colab, and in the second part, we covered an introduction to reinforcement learning and wrote Q-learning code. This notebooke is covered the first part by this subjects: We covered the following subjects in this file:
- Introduction to Colab, creating your first notebook, settings, GPU usage, themes
- Mounting Google Drive to Colab, uploading and accessing files from drive
- Importing different libraries in Colab, like Numpy, Tensorflow, PyTorch, Pandas, installing missing libraries such as OpenAI gym
- Handling images in Colab using matplotlib, and handling data using pickle
- OpenAI gym Sample and Forms & Tables Sample
You can see the file related to the next part in this path:
Also you cansee recorde of the workshop in this path:
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