Want a EXTREMELY easy multitool base (THAT ISNT FILLED WITH BLOAT), well use finloader (fl)!
All you have to do is install 2 files and you have the loader installed!
The purpose is to help you with a simple base for a multitool. All you have to do is add your tools, tell the program where your tools are, and done!
Install main.bat and vars.bat. You should probably make it a new folder. But you dont need to.
- DONT TOUCH MAIN.BAT!!! Its all ready for use, and all you have to do is set up vars.bat.
- Make your tool in the same dir.
- Setup vars.bat
The difference is that 3 spots ONLY has 3 spots for tools. Using 10 spots allows you to have up to 10 tools. 10spots can be good because you can make them all "-" and set the filename to the already made null.bat file.
- Make your tool (it doesnt require any special code, the bat will just be ran)
- Set the name in vars.bat. It should be T1NAME, T2NAME, or T3NAME (tool 1 name, tool 2 name, tool 3 name)
- Set up the path to the dir with the tool(s) in vars.bat, with T1PATH, T2PATH, or T3PATH. It should be syntaxed like it would be used with CD. Like tools/ unlike "tools/".
- Set up the filename to the tool in vars.bat. The var name is T1FILENAME, T2FILENAME, or T3FILENAME. (OPTIONAL): Setup the postmultitool var to whatever number you like.
WARNING: The full version isnt pure BATCH and is mostly python. But it does accept batch files as tools!
WARNING: This uses python as the actual tool base. Which means 3 things. 1. Its not as impressive as pure batch. 2. Its Slower 3. Its hard to debug. If you only know batch, you can probably do it. But tbh i recommend LITE.
Its pretty simple and i dont like writing docs sooooo yea. You just have to edit vars.py. To run it, run main.bat. It does itself from there.