This R script generates a 3D population density map for Bangladesh using various R packages and data sources. The visualization is created using the rayshader package, developed by Tyler Morgan-Wall, and is based on population data from the Kontur Population dataset.
The following R packages were instrumental in creating this visualization:
- tidyverse
- sf
- tmap
- ggplot2
- mapview
- stars
- rayshader
- MetBrewer
- colorspace
- rayrender
- magick
- extrafont
Please check the respective documentation and repositories of these packages for more information:
The population data for Bangladesh is sourced from the Kontur Population dataset. For more information about the dataset, please visit Kontur Data.
The 3D visualization is powered by the rayshader package, developed and maintained by Tyler Morgan-Wall.
The rayshader package is an R tool designed for creating visually stunning 3D representations of spatial data, particularly elevation maps. Key features include 3D terrain modeling, customizable rendering, and seamless integration with other spatial analysis and visualization packages.
Tyler Morgan-Wall is a data scientist and geographer known for his contributions to spatial data visualization in R. He actively maintains the rayshader package and shares insights through tutorials and documentation.
Special thanks to Tyler for his valuable contributions to the R spatial data visualization community.
Credit to Spencer Schien for his insightful video tutorial on rayshader. The tutorial can be found here.